By elly_wall
- 975 reads
Dear Earth is yearning for heavens tears,
Jaded flowers all droop their heads,
Aching to quench their ravaging thirst,
This is the time that creation dreads,
Vulnerable trees,they wilt and bend,
For they all suspect it's Summers End.
A devious wind is an unwanted guest,
It wreaks its havoc bringing chaos and change,
Forcing the leaves from defenceless trees,
Looking for sense in a world gone strange,
It's all in vain,no use to pretend,
They remain oblivious to their Summers End.
Fresher crops will start their journey,
Younger shoots will push on through,
Eagerly craving the sun and the rain,
Persistently trying to beat time too,
But time has no compassion and is never a friend,
He welcomes with gladness his own Summers End.
In the very near distance old Autumn is calling,
Sending his greyness to cover the sun,
Goodbye tranquil Summer it's no use stalling,
It's goodbye to laughter,all frolics and fun,
Say hello to September he'll be your new friend,
It's inevitably so....
Summers End.
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