Dave Swakeley is Dying

By Ray Schaufeld
- 2857 reads
Dave Swakeley
Of the London Hillingdon Estate
Drank lager
Grew Bitter.
Bright lad
Full of light and life
Light feet on the field of football
Dave Swakeley
Flash gear,
Rod Stewart gold cockscomb barnet*
Light feet, cocky banter
At the disco.
Pulled a few one night birds
‘they was slags.’
Met Sue
Loved Sue
Married her.
Dad Dave
Good Dad
Light hearted
Full of play and fun
Peek a Boo!
Throwing and catching his young ones
Into the air with care.
Big Daddy Santa with his bursting red sack
Good Dad, kind Dad
Dave at work
Went to work
Came home for his tea.
Got paid.
Older Dave
Loved Sue
Loved his young clan
Loved the pub more.
In his sportsteevee corner
With dimpled brownfoam glass in hand
(If Sue grew bitter
She never told).
And now
When we cremate Dave Swakeley
Let us praise him too.
Old bald fat Dave
With his ill-fitting jeans
Brewery tee-shirt straining his paunch
Views and jokes as common as a London bus
Rest in Peace
Dave Swakeley
Of the London Hillingdon Estate
And Everyman of England.
* Barnet – London rhyming slang, Barnet Fair – hair.
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I loved this. Is he real? I
I loved this. Is he real? I loved the 'drank lager grew bitter'. I always like wondering what the child was llike with old people or what the old person will be like for the child and you've done the whole sweep of his life in a short, nail on the head space.
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I also thought you seemed to
I also thought you seemed to have known this man so well, though maybe it was a combination of people known over the years. But was again interested in the sweep of life depicted (by our age, you do get aware of the sweep of the years, the results of early mistakes and cynicism or jaundiced views sometimes souring, don't you?) and showing glimpses of his faults, his downs, and his positive input and hard work, keeping going. A reminder too that death does come in the end, and brown foam can distract from praying about that. Rhiaanon
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I knew many a Dave. Was
I knew many a Dave. Was almost a Dave myself, then I met my wife. My savior. Lovely poece, Elsie.
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if you don't know if it's
if you don't know if it's fact or fiction, then that's a good measure. Not that it matters. We're all fictional creations. Life catches us all. Death, last and forever.
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