Bad Is The New Good
By Waving_Through_A_Window
- 1267 reads
Overview: In a typical story world, the hero always wins, don't they? Well Edna WayBlossom changes everything when she gets a book that brings her writing to life! In her story she'll switch up from the classic, and the villains will finally win, if all goes to plan. It's up to Edna's family to stop her until they realize they're the heroes of her story, will everything go according to plan? Will Edna's evil fantasy destroy the world?
(The story starts here)
Edna WayBlossom was feeling a bit lonely, she came to her brother, Leo's birthday party but she was the youngest guest and everybody treated her like a baby. The only good part of the party is that it was good inspiration for a story, Edna was contemplating whether to publish it on WattPad or just write it in her notebook and only share it with close friends, then she remembered her WattPad account was gone since her sister, Darla wrote a story about a love story between a unicorn and a shark but and then pressed the wrong button and deleted the whole account, I guess Darla made the descision for her. Edna took out the notebook she always carries with her and started walking and writing without looking up, then the worst possible thing happened...
SMASH! The glass bowl of juice and the bowl of chips both fell on her, Edna was the types would DID NOT like being dirty. And after that moment she fell down, all chaos broke loose.
"Are you okay child?!"
"Clark, we're in 8th grade, we don't food fight anymore"
"You're no fun Tara"
Through all the chaos Edna just ran away soaking wet and sticky, and the worst part was her book was wet and ruined!
She got home and took a nice shower. She read some fairy tales to take her mind off everything. They all had something in common, the hero always won.
Why does the hero have to win? That's must mean I'm a villain because life never goes how I want it to. Edna thought, she was so focused that she didn't hear Leo come in.
Leo started talking breaking her concentration. "Sis, I'm so sorry about the party! And I got you a new book, sorry if it's not the best one. The guy at the store told me not to buy that notebook but it's the only one I could afford for you."
"Thanks Leo, you're a good brother. Also can you lock the door on your way out?" Edna replied.
"Of course, I hope you like the book!" Leo said right before he locked the door and left.
Edna was skeptical of the book but still used it. The first thing she wrote was "Addo," a character from her favorite show "The icicles". Then from thin air Addo came out making a stomp on the floors which made her favorite painting of a dog with a popsicle fall off of the velvet wallpaper. She was in too much shock to notice though.
"So my writing comes to life!" She asked herself hoping it was all a dream and the party never happened and she never got this book. She erased the word "Addo" and he disappeared as suddenly as he came. Then Edna realized that every storyline she wanted came to life. The first thing she's always wanted was for the villain to win, she could win and all her family who ruined her life would be the losers for once. She was ready to become the villain of her fantasy! The first thing she did was a write a story about Darla, she always thought Darla was too perfect so in her story she would have the worst day.
"As Darla woke up her alarm didn't work and she would miss her class party first period, whoever tried to console her at school would actually insult and laugh at her. Her closest friends will become her enemies and she'd be a hero no longer, just another side charatcer of my little story." Edna wrote before she went to bed that night, she had amazing dreams.
"Good morning sis, hope nothing happens," Edna whispers evily next to her sister's door before going off to school."
(Leo WayBlossom's (Edna's Brother) POV)
What was Edna doing? And why would she say "hope nothing happens?" Darla is a straight A student, is there something they talked about without me? Must be girl stuff, I should stay out of it.
(Back to 3rd Person POV)
That night after school Darla came home crying. Edna ran up to her faking some sympathy "What happened!" She asked.
"Well, I missed my class party and everyone was mad at me and laughed at me, and all of my best friends were really mean to me!" Darla replied gloomily.
Edna thought of an idea then and told Darla "come sis, I have something to show you" in her calmest voice.
After Edna walked Darla into her room she shut the door closed. Leo hearing the door and knowing Edna and Darla were in there he found the perfect opportunity to listen to them.
"Darla, think about what you have right now," Edna spoke with in a weird mixture of grim and serene voices. "Your 'friends' left you, right? Everyone else turned on you." Leo couldn't believe what he was listening to, was Edna trying to be mean or nice, he stopped thinking as he heard her continue to talk. "Everything was taken from you, just like it was from me." then Edna took out her notebook and Leo heard a shriek from Darla.
"What are you doing to me!" Darla yelped!
"Just giving you what you deserve." Edna replied her voice changing to just grim.
(Leo's POV)
I couldn't take listening to my little sister get hurt any longer! I slammed open the door and my heart dropped when I saw what was happening... Edna turned Darla into a doll!
"Oh, it's a shame you had to see this Leo." Edna noted not leaving her gaze off of the Darla doll in her lap.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" I screamed. Her response sent shivers down my spine.
"I just made her just like me. Everybody tries to control me, "Edna the loser," or "Edna the girl with two left feet." I've heard it all. This is just a more fun way to control her! And believe it or not, it's all because of you Leo..." She said grinning, now locking eyes with me.
"You!" I yelled and tried to run away but suddenly my body froze in place, the only movement was me shaking in terror.
"Not so fast, you don't think I'd let you tell everyone my secret, do you? Edna calmly questioned me, but I was the opposite of calm. "I in fact would like to thank you, if it weren't for this here book you gave me my world wouldn't exist." She said holding up the book I gave her, why didnt I listen to the guy at the store! "Now with me the villains win and kids try to be heroes like you don't make it. I'm not going down without a fight though, so put on a good show."
I saw Edna scribble something in her book and we teleported to some weird arena, it was made of walls with concrete that was all chipped and ruined, there were lots of empty seats and Darla was there as a human again.. I ran up to her and tried to give her a hug but she pushed me to the ground with a little scrape on my leg. I looked a bit closer, hurt, not knowing what to say then I noticed little swirls in her eyes.. Edna must have brainwashed her or something! It was all over.. I didn't know what to do.. and then I had a final idea.
"I'm done Edna!" I watched her face look suprised wondering what would come out of my mouth next. "Im done being a good guy, I want to join you." I said in my evilest voice. I wiped some dust off of my grey jacket and put on my most sinister grin, if I was going to trick someone as heinous as her I would have to be really convincing. I saw Edna scribble something in her notebook. Suddenly my arms and legs felt numb, my vision was starting to go blurry..
"Of course you can join me, I'll just have to put you in a little trance so you can't betray me." I heard faintly from Edna as I tried to resist it but I couldn't, my vision went dark and she got me. Edna's magic was too strong...
(Darla's POV)
I watched in horror as I saw Leo's eyes open and go all swirly as Edna continued to write in her notebook.
I was fighting the urge to stay under Edna's spell any longer! I walked up to Edna still acting as if I was. I layed my hands on her notebook, when she looked away I snatched it out of her hands, I quickly ran away. Soon I noticed hands digging into my shoulders, it was Leo! I was about to let out a scream then he put his hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear..
"Don't worry, I'm good. Quite an actor right?" Leo whispered, what!? I wrote in the notebook to see where Edna was. It showed me a little image on the page of Edna sitting on the floor, sobbing. I wrote in the book to bring me to here and it worked. There I was in front of her..
"You.. you ruined it! This was all because of you. I was so close to winning then you came out all good, I just wanted to win!" Edna cried choking back tears.
"This isn't the way to win Edna.. " I reply.
Her eyes glow as the demons lose their grasp on Edna's mind. Her eyes focus on you.
"Darla? What happened? Is this some like fighting arena!?" Edna seems really confused.
"Don't say dad is bringing me to another wrestling match, they're sooo boring!"
(I'm sorry to anybody who was hooked with this story, I don't think I'm going to continue. I will keep writing gradually on this site, I've just personally changed my writing style a bit and I don't feel like rewriting this entire thing. I also got a bit bored with the plotline and didnt know where to take it. So let's just say the end is up to reader interpretation instead -- Author)
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in my world the baddies
in my world the baddies usually win. They're called rich people or polliticians.
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Welcome to ABCTales EmmyPug.
Welcome to ABCTales EmmyPug. This is a nice snappy beginning - looking forward to more!
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I hope nobody finds that book
I hope nobody finds that book honestly it's more like Pandora's box and the end of the world … it sounds like a great story lots of fun! I really do hope you follow it up it sounds very promising.
Welcome to ABC! Tom Brown
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clean story
Nice clean fun Em, family entertainment … the Adam's family is one of my favourites especially Girl Wednesday! Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so – Shakespeare !)
Don't take it for granted, it is a privilege for us to write on ABC please use it! & Nolan
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Good intentions
Good intentions. My afrikaans grandfather was a brilliant engineer. His instructions for successful study were:
1. Apply the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.
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You write such a wonderful story
You write such a wonderful story and leave it just hanging just like that. Good grief.
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you're very talented
I was very pleased to see you have updated the story. It is a lovely story I read it again you are very talented just don't let us wait so long again!
How about a comment or two!
& Nolan
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Almost fell of my chair!
Almost fell of my chair! Great, some good news for a change! And do start another story (as well) by all means. Actually a good idea it works for me, not get too one-track-minded. Work on different projects at the same time, in a parallel fashion.
Actually don't update a story all the time write a story as shorter ones following each other as a new post each time most of us do it like that. Then if each one like that can also stand on it's own then all the better.
Edna must have brainwashed her or something! and then they all turn into dumplings. The end
Yes sounds nasty enough, certainly more original than "and they all lived happily ... "
Ok I see now you have a new story as well!!
All the best, Keep well! Tom
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You've done a bit of writing since last! I agree with Tom's advice. And you let your imagination run wild that is good. Glad you're working.
Nolan &
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