Home Read Write Forums Blogs The Indefinite Particle By EwanWed, 31 Dec 2008 1172 reads I hear the quarking of ducts in the strangeness of your poetry: and though it's not devoid of charm, I feel it doesn't anti-matter - but then - it's all relative. Up and atom! It's still poetry, even if I'm averse. Certificate UPoemThe Long and the Short of It...Humour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
The Indefinite Particle By EwanWed, 31 Dec 2008 1172 reads I hear the quarking of ducts in the strangeness of your poetry: and though it's not devoid of charm, I feel it doesn't anti-matter - but then - it's all relative. Up and atom! It's still poetry, even if I'm averse. Certificate UPoemThe Long and the Short of It...Humour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments