A dedication to my brother (read out at his funeral)
By Fatboyfat
- 1279 reads
It’s difficult to put in words.… just what we want to say
To express how we are feeling…. about why we’re here today
We’re here to respect David…. we’re here to say goodbye
We’re here to celebrate his life…. we’re here to have a cry!
His life was cut short suddenly…. he had more life to live
At 40 he was far too young…. He had so much more to give!
When it comes to Cancer…. I’m really not that sure
If they can put men on the moon…. why can’t they find a cure??
He was born back in the 60’s…. to a lovely Mam and Dad
A cute and cuddly baby…. became a cheeky little lad
He met and fell for Susan…. when they were in their teens
He was lucky to have met her…. the woman of his dreams!
They set up home in Rotherham…. with 3 kids in their tribe
The youngest is now 17…. and just learning to drive
He had no airs or graces…. he was from Yorkshire stock
He always called a spade a spade…. what you saw was what you got!
He wasn’t materialistic…. he chose the simple life
He liked to spend time with his kids…. his grandchild and his wife
He also had a lot of friends…. he was a well liked man
They’d spend time at each others homes…. or at the caravan
He always made you welcome…. and before you’d been there long
He’d ask one of his “willing” kids…. to put the kettle on!
He enjoyed work driving taxis…. with Susan by his side
They carried Kids with special needs…. and took old folks for a ride!
He wasn’t very sporty…. but bought bikes for his son Michael
The closest he came to exercise though…. was searching on free-cycle!
He used to tell us funny jokes…. and lines that were just daft
And his toothless grin was guaranteed…. to give the kids a laugh!
When the bad news came and the doctor said…. “he hadn’t got that long”
He still managed to make us smile…. with ironic funeral songs!
We’re glad we knew you David…. we’re proud to be your friend
We’re sad we can see you no more…. sad this is the end!
But you’ll always be remembered…. and we really hope you knew
How much you’re missed by everyone…. and how much we all love you!
Parting is the hardest thing…. and whilst we may be sad
At least we know you’re now at peace….up there with your Dad!
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Oh boy. Bet folk had a wee
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