Aerial - In the beginning
By fire
- 843 reads
Boom Boom....
Feelings awakening, feelings not known, but sensations of self have begun to evolve. From a dull awareness that can only be soul, it seems from nothing to something came in an instant, and that something is becoming more whole. Each feeling seems new and its host wants more, each one so powerful to one so small. But yet it craves for all it can. For the feelings felt no matter how small, is all it's ever had. Each moment so precious to this new life, yet time is not important, it's only sense of measurement are the feelings inside. Then it hits it from nowhere, like many before but this one is different, like everything together, yet so pure. A wondrous feeling of total worship of self and all its felt, this feeling so good, overwhelming and warm. There is no turning back now; a little life has felt a love so so pure. So as it drifts along on all its known, each feeling inside, each feeling outside muddle into confusion, but in all this a feeling and sense of being alive.
Boom Boom...
A new life has been created, and all this within a heart beat. The heart beat of its mother so precious as of its own will be. With every pulse carrying the very nectar of life taken for all it can, driven to live by the very nature of raw life its self.
The date is the 13th day of the rising blue moon Oraih and outside as Aerial sleeps soundly, trouble is brewing from afar and all around. Yet she knows not. It's in the hot air of the lands and in the cool depths of the oceans. Subtle but growing stronger day by day, age by age. Yet only a select few know of it. The great beast is coming. But as is it is hidden from all but a handful, life here in this peaceful place goes on as it has for ages past, undisturbed. As it does for most of the families of life here. You see, unlike Earth of witch you are so familiar Othorion is not such a natural planet, nor is the life force with witch sustain and entwine the many creatures inhabited upon. You would call it an unnatural place, maybe a manufactured place, and right you would be. Othorion is what you would in your 21st century think as perfect on initial sights, after all with your history it would seem very much that way, but on the other hand you may think other wise. I am not here to tell you what to think, Othorion alas is long gone now some 2 billion and more of your Earth years ago, to think is your domain, for you to decide is your calling, after all that's what makes you human.
I can only tell you the story as it was¦long ago
It begins upon a day nothing much different to the one your having now, except on Othorion days are long, and the years are short. There are two moons, the great blue moon Oraih, guardian of the night and the golden brown moon Aresis, watcher of day, the seasons are the same except for a greater swing in intensity and shorter span. But all things in all, Othorion is home to many races and species designed to live together in harmony, Ruled and governed by another, a race not known to Othorion's kin, and kept that way for 2000 ages. But as with all things nothing lasts forever¦except maybe one. And that's about to unfortunately come to be.
Aerial knows not consciously, but unconsciously as only a mother can that she is with child. Her body has begun to change, not that so she is aware but a subtle change all the same. One has become two and for the time being nothing else in the world but the second consciously knows of its existence, and yet its right to life from that magical moment is equal to any other, you may say. Sadly though, the way things are and the savage nature of what can be will be, rights are only for the purists in this land, and this little life is not yet that. So it's that very reason, of its unknown existence is the reason it has felt life at all.
As she stirs nocturnally in her sleep. So unlike her naturally sound and undisturbed nights of her reside, restlessness eventually gives way to dream time. As she skips and skims the conscious world eyes flutter and roll. Images of colourful fruit begin to blossom and erupt into brilliant hues before her, images of new life emerging, of a whole new spring, of a whole new summer, winter and autumn, surround her whole being. Erupting and lighting up mother Othorion for all she is worth...and as if captured within the eyes of a child, from instant awe turned wonder, in this single drawn out infinite moment it is as if Aerial sees all, all the life this planet has within. All the blossoming colour exploding individually and on a whole together as one big living world. She is now thrown into the warm fresh air, higher and higher she ascends, by a force not her own, that seems to come from Othorion her self, higher and higher, lifting her spirits, not until the heavens give way to a darkness over head does she stop. Flying now, floating in between the bright day below and the sparkle of the stars above. Looking down, high up as she is, the feeling of longing and of wonder over comes her initial fears, for the world below is so beautiful, so colourful, it amazes her like never before. It seems totally bewildering now as to why she has never felt this love for the world before...So natural... but then panic¦ panic sets in. In all this wonder it is as if she has long forgotten to breath, in this hovering amazement of joy it is as if time and need has been left in abandonment. For how long it has been suspended she does not know. One minute, one hour, one age... she only knows now that she yearns for it, needs it, to breath, to feel the air below, the breath within her, as if every molecule inside of her is crying out for it.
Frightened and uncertain now she gasps, with all the force and instinct of a new-born. With that gasp of uncertainty and frightful need blissful cool air enters her hungry crying lungs and fills her whole body with what could only be described as the life below, but all the feelings it excites and stirs within, all the emotions that entail and go with it so pure, so overwhelming, this picture is unjust, to call this life is to only see the ground as mere dirt, and the air as an empty space, for all the warmth and love she now feels from that one deep and awakening breath is coarsening through her very veins, hot and driven on by the swelling ecstasy now found with in every burst of her beating heart, but that is all it is, simply life.
Peaceful¦. Deeply fulfilled and relief now, feeling fresh, feeling the life in every rise and fall of her chest, as if fresh from the mountains caps below and yet warm and fulfilling as of the smells of summer on a long hot night. What is this feeling for the world, this feeling so contented, yet so alien to her as if she is full of all the life and birth that this world can give, and is giving to her. So strange, but so natural all the same. She feels death to, the pain of it in a thousand places, like a thousand needles in the night, all around, a darkness that in its salvation, gives way to a new day, a new life, sorrow turned to joy, and also that she is part, that she is the hope, of what can be, of what should be. that seems impossible, yet it feels so right, to be a part of it. She has never been strong, yet the overwhelming love and belonging she now feels coarsening through her is giving her the strength she has always wanted. An undeniable love for this place as if it is speaking to her with all the life that is and has been, that it is screaming to her that there is hope...
'Hope for what? ' She does not understand, but she feels it.
Not floating any more. Now embraced by the lushness and richness of colour seen from so high above soft and warm almost around her bare feet. The smells are stronger to, exhilarating, they seem to awaken her even more from the heightened senses she already possesses. Sounds to are all around now, not like the silence of the heights above that as overwhelmingly beautiful as it was does not compare to the embrace and closeness here now felt, in the heart of it all. So clear are they, the very sounds of life. She here's the opening of a each petal to catch the sun, so delicate yet so real as if it is an extension of her very self, she not only here's it, she smells it, sees it, and feels it. To experience all this seem so strange, impossible almost, but the experience is so unique, so pure as if the world is part of her and she a part of it, it seems so natural.
'hope? Yes I feel it. Within me, but what can I do? I do not understand? I feel so small ,and yet you seem to awaken and feed within me a great strength, it feels strange talking to you, a planet' but she is heard all the same.
And it is as if Othorion speaks back to her with new-found warmth that envelopes around her, and passes through the pure naked heart that is she. All the life that goes around flows through her into every sense uniquely awakening and erupting into pure exhilarating love for herself and the life in the world around. Leaving a feeling of being truly alive. She is as one with the there is something else...not as one, something else¦
Aerial awoke with a start gasping and heart beating fast, she sprung upright and sat for a moment still, thinking of what had just been. The covers loosely fallen around her middle made for a pleasant coolness in the gentle breeze as it fell across her per pirating skin that shone pale in the moon light. Looking out the window now to the landscapes far and away the feelings of closeness enriched her still, she sat there for a time just trying to take in what had just happened to her. The stars light shone brightly upon the distant great trees, shimmering on their leaves like joules. Her chest was rising fast still but slowing now, the feeling of life within was still there, still so natural, but what to make of it she did not know. More than a dream it felt.
Yet 'It was only a dream' she kept telling herself over and over in her head and then finally aloud, as if to finalise it. 'But it felt so real, so vivid, it still does...' she whispered still after. Time pasted. She took a deep breath catching the coolness of the breeze through her nose and marvelled at how good it smelled, fresh and deep within her belly, and she let it out in a long sigh. Then felt a giggle rising out from deep down inside somewhere which carried her along to a warm smile.
'I love you my world, and what ever hope I have within me¦I will do you proud' she said with a puzzled sigh, and then wondering exactly what she meant by that, laid back down into bed and pulled the covers upon her cool shoulders and thought for a while of how real and wonderful her dream had been, before she drifted peacefully off into deep undisturbed sleep.
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