Shine Please - Somewhere

By forest_for_ever
Sun, 12 Aug 2018
- 1179 reads
Shine Please - Somewhere
Morbid, slate coloured drizzle
Descends on a morning painted battleship grey.
Lugubrious is a long way up from here.
A semi-shuttered duvet drops again;
A sheltered womb of darkness
Is better than a world of gloom.
What’s the matter Helios?
Tired of casting smiles?
The summer been too much for you?
Shine please, SOMEWHERE !
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I hope it comes back soon!
Permalink Submitted by Insertponceyfre... on
I hope it comes back soon!
PS:Is that image copyright free Forest?
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Oh, its shining behind the
Oh, its shining behind the clouds! We all would prefer the rain to come at night, but it's good to see the ground and plants being wetted! I thought your descriptions of the gloomy day were good.
Let the Son shine in your heart whatever the weather! Rhiannon
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