By GabbyEmm
- 573 reads
No one was really speaking to each other it had been a week. Mostly all just quiet and trying to busy ourselves with stupid tasks. For instance, my mom was talking to one of her patients via email, while sipping coffee and talking to Mrs. Benson about Mr. Benson and what had really happened to Blair.
My dad was outside in the backyard measuring a piece of the yard while on the cell with one of his workers, who didnt speak a lot of english.
My brother took Levi to work with him trying to find him some sort of job since he was in the army. Levi lied. He had been relieved of his duty as an MP. They said his time was up. Which didnt make a lot of sense to me. So my brother said he would talk to his chief and see what he could do.
Blair was influenced by a Mr.WindRunner on the computer. So they said. This person had been keeping tabs on her and telling her rotten things about herslef and her dad. They wouldnt tell me anything else.
Tucker Flooks was banned from my house and told to get out of town. He left without a word and that was good.
I had to go to Pet's Love pet shop to get Barley some food.
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