Chapter Six: Ben.
By GabbyEmm
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As Ben woke up sore and bruised from the night before.. helping out two pet store owner's and their new shipment of pigs, he noticed little pig hooves indented on his legs and knees. He had purple and black bruises that stalked all the way down to his feet like a crazy pattern. He wouldn't forget that night, not now not ever.
They squirmed everywhere! Atleast he got a job doing that. His sister had gotten an ugly fish from his uncle and he was forced to buy some food for it, or as she calls it: Finn. But while he entered the store no one was around, no cashiers or anything, before he left he noticed a lady who looked as if she had gotten into a brawl with her make up, and a herd of cows. He remembered what happened like it was a second ago.
"Ma'am are you okay, do you need any help?" He remembered she looked so happy to see him.
"Hmm, yes I do. Come along." Just like that he put the fish food down and followed her out of the little shack of a pet store and into the backyard which stretched out pretty far; all the way to the red barn. Where he saw a man chasing after a pig, and right after another he saw a bunch of pigs running everywhere.
"Umm, uhh what do you need help with?"
"The pigs ofcourse."
"Yes, ofcourse." As the man, the woman, and him rounded the pigs up and put them in the pin he felt beaten like an old rug. His back ached in places he didn't know it could ache. He thought to himself how did these middle age people deal with this crap? He remembered her gentle hand touching his shoulder, and as he turned around she offered him a job. Just like that! It was insane!
"Ben............Hello Brother Ben come back to the 21st Century." He shook out of his thoughts and then looked up at his sister.
"Did you get Finn's food, I need it he is hungry?"
"Dang, no I am sorry I forgot it. Don't you have your license go get it yourself."
"No, I'm scared to drive around here."
"Are you joking me?"
"Am I joking you? You mean am I kidding?"
"Yeah, duh." He rolled his eyes and then rubbed his face til he finished his long yawn.
"Soo, will you go get it?"
"Yes, Hope when I go down for my shift at five tonight I will go get your stupid fish food for Flinn."
"FINN, and he needs it now."
"FINE!" He kicked off his covers and threw on some clothes, grabbed his keys and hobbled down the stairs.
"Good morning Benjamin." He turned to see his mom sitting criss-crossed on the couch watching Good Morning America, with the dog.
"Good morning, mom, I got a job at the Pet store around the corner."
"Good for you, Sweetie. Good for you. Sorry about the other night I hope we can put that past us."
"Yes, me too. Well I have to go get Flin...Finn some food because I forgot it last night."
"I helped the Pet Store Lady: Mrs. Patsy Love with the new shipment of pigs, that's all. That's how I got my job she liked the way I just jumped in and helped."
"Oh, I see well becareful around those things. I hate pigs! That is why I never bought any of them they're rutheless little smelly animals that just like to cause problems. Bleh!" They both giggled and he headed out the door blowing her a kiss.
"Mr. Benny Peirce how are you this morning?"
"Oh i'm good, I just came to get some fish food for my sister. I forgot it lastnight.
"Here take this it is the good kind and it is on the house, I can't thank you enough for last night! You were amazingly, impeccable!"
"Ha, thanks Mrs. P. and thank you it was my pleasure. Okay well I will see you at five."
"Mmhmm, see ya." As he walked out the door he ran into Ella from across the street. She dropped her phone and it bursted into pieces and scattered across the store. He went and picked up the pieces he could find. She was smiling and he thought blushing, as if embarrassed.
"Thank you, Ben, appreciate it."
"No problem, Ella. So I never got your text, thought you threw the paper away." She rolled her eyes and then they grew huge!
"What the heck happened to your legs?" He gasped and then smiled.
"Lastnight I helped Mr. and Mrs. Love with the pigs." She chuckled and then looked at Mrs. Love.
"Oh so you're the one? So when do you start your shift?"
"Ha, what do you mean, I am the one? Oh and at five."
"Oh well I get off at eight so I guess I will see you and oh umm, nothing see ya later." She disappeared into the back before he could say anyhting else.
"Benny?" He hated being called Benny but he didn't say anything about it.
"Yes, Mrs. Love?"
"Call me Patsy and if you want to start on your shift now, that would be okay."
He let that thought maranate for a moment and then agreed.
"Yeah let me just go drop this off at my house real fast."
"Brilliant now I can go shopping with my grand daughter." She smiled and then disappeared out the back door.
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