Stop it! (4)
By GabbyEmm
- 598 reads
After the awkward truck ride to Jacoby, Danny noticed that Ria was especially quiet. Not awkward, Im scared to talk quiet but Bitchy-im-freaking-mad-quiet and that meant she would have her guard up the whole two weeks that they existed on their father's estate.
When they pulled into the drive way Danny and Ria dragged their bags, and themselves to the big open porch infront of the house that led to the big screen door. The neighborhood was quiet and lonely. The next neighbor wasn't even in walking distance. As they walked into the house, Ria immediately noticed pictures of her dad and Candice on the walls, and crucifixes on every corner. It looked like a home; not just a house. She kept walking past the foyer and noticed more pictures, but this time of her and Danny up on the main halls, along with another little boy who she didn't recognize. Probably Candice's spawn of a child, she thought. But then she thought her dad said she was gone, like onto the next cheap skate?
"So your room is down stairs to the left and Daniel Ray your room is upstairs to the right."
Danny was amazed but he wouldn't acknowledge his father, even when he spoke still. He noticed as they pulled up that the cabin of a house was beautiful, it had white stone for columns and triangular shaped windows at the top of the house. There was also four trucks in the driveway, Danny guessed all were his fathers. He also noticed that there was a tire swing that was being pushed by a little boy with brown hair, a tucked in red plaid shirt and faded jeans. And as they walked into the house, Danny grew nervous and he didn't really know why.
"Who is that?" Ria now turned and saw the little boy and Danny noticed that she backed up a little, now making a wide eyed face.
"That's Trooper." Danny stopped staring at the boy but when he turned his attention back to him, he noticed the boy was walking up to them.
It really got quiet once the boy, a spitting image of their father, was halfway up the steps.
"I thought you said Candice was gone?"
"She is. Anyways-"
"Dad! I got one! I finally caught a fish! Me and Mason! We caught it this afternoon but Rosa said she wouldn't cook it." He said in a pout.
"Good for you Champ! You know we don't eat our own fish out of the pond." The boy Ria had saw in the picture- now two feet away from her- had tiny freckles, and dirty blond hair like Candice but he looked and walked just like her father. Her heart raced as she saw the embrace her father gave the boy. Danny looked infuriated his eyes wide.
"Umm, Troop. This is your brother Daniel Ray, and your sister Victoria." The boy looked confused.
"Well, how the heck are yall? Nice to meet ya!" The boy grasped both of their hands and shook them hard. He was nice and obnoxious, and reminded Ria of their father, when he was drunk.
"Hi." Danny spat out taking back his hand and walking upstairs.
"Hi Trooper." Ria said quietly trying to keep tears from pouring out.
"Well Troop what do you say you go round up the dogs and we'll feed em?"
"Sounds good!" He ran outside yelling out for, Mason?
"Well, Victoria you can take my Colorado to town, to look around. I'm sure Danny might wanna go? Keys are in the glove box-"
"You have a son?"
"Yes, and I also have you two."
"Since when did you have a son? Since when is it okay to just surprise us with another version of her!" She ran out of the house to the black Colorado. Pulled out of the driveway and onto some road called Jacobus Lane.
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