The 75th Magic Show 4/8
By Geoffrey
- 399 reads
Jennifer Jane and Abigail walked over to the travelator. It was rather like an escalator in a large store, only it went along the ground. Each parking area had one going in to the building and beside it another one running in the opposite direction, which brought visitors back to their starting point. There was a handrail to hold on to, so stepping carefully onto the belt; they soon found themselves inside the exhibition entrance hall.
Jennifer Jane looked round in amazement. Her dad had taken her to the Boat Show once and this hall was easily as big. She had stopped just by a counter where a man was handing out large paper bags for visitors to carry all the catalogues that they collected.
“Would you like a bag miss?” he asked. He reached up and apparently produced a bag out of thin air.
“I didn’t think magic was allowed inside the hall, in case it damaged any of the goods on display!” said Abigail.
“That wasn’t magic ma’am, only conjuring. We do it to impress the public when they come in on the open days. Look, there’s a big box fixed to the ceiling with all the bags inside. The lighting is arranged so that there are no shadows to show that the box is there. When I put my hand up in the air I’m really reaching for a string which will pull down the next bag. Simple really!”
“Can I pull one down for myself,” asked Jennifer Jane with a grin. “I won’t need to come behind the counter,” she added, as the man opened a flap to let her stand under the box. She held out her hand and a bag flew down out of the box.
The man looked a bit upset, “You’re not supposed to use magic,” he grumbled, “your mother just told you that!”
Jennifer Jane laughed, “Abigail’s not my mother, she’s my teacher and that wasn’t magic, it was T.K.”
The man still didn’t look very happy, but he waved them on towards the next desk, where identity badges were being handed out. These were intended to help the demonstrators on the various stands know who they were dealing with, without having to ask every time.
Abigail led the way over. “Grand Order of Wizardry, Abigail journey-woman and second year apprentice Jennifer Jane.”
The man chose the correct type of badge from one of several heaps in front of him, wrote the information on each badge, then as he handed them over the counter to Abigail, he looked at Jennifer Jane and laughed.
“That’s a coincidence,” he said, “there’s a witch in your lot called Jennifer Jane, but she’s nine feet tall and always has a pet dragon on a chain. You’re not even grown up yet, don’t you find there’s a lot of confusion?”
Before Jennifer Jane could explain, Abigail leaned over the counter and took hold of his jacket. She said something quietly to the now rather frightened looking man, before letting him go.
“Oh!” he said, “er, next please.”
“Come along now,” said Abigail, there’s lots to see and don’t bother your head about him. When we get back I’m going to get you that identity card you’ve been on about for so long, I can see why you need it now.”
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