Adam and Eve 1/5

By Geoffrey
- 1460 reads
Eve lay quietly in bed going through the events of the last two days over and over again in her mind. There was no doubt at all now, that Jennifer Jane really was a witch in the alternate world that she’d just visited, and apparently quite an important one at that. How she was going to convince Adam of that fact and how she would have to behave in front of the Bell family in future worried her slightly. She rolled over in bed and found that her husband had already got up and judging by the pleasant smell coming from downstairs he was cooking the breakfast.
“Are you feeling better today?” asked Adam as his wife came down stairs, “you were very tired last night. Come and sit down, have your breakfast and tell me all about your trip.”
“I meant every word I said last night, I have been to another world, Jennifer Jane really is a witch and I’ve been taught to do some real magic for myself!”
Adam looked rather worried. “Perhaps you’ll feel better once you’ve got your breakfast inside you!”
“Just you wait till I’ve finished this lot and I’ll show you!”
Adam was looking even more worried as Eve finished her bacon and eggs and started to drink her cup of tea.
“I was on my way to try and find that George fellow who was running the tourist agency that I told you about, when I met a witch called Leah. I told her that I was a witch, which is true in a way and she taught me a spell to open a door that would let me enter the alternate world so that I could carry on looking for George.”
Adam was still looking at her in a very peculiar way.
“Look I’ll prove it to you,” continued Eve, “just clear the breakfast things off the table and get me three large books.”
Adam did as he was told without any further argument. His wife was obviously suffering from some sort of mental problem and he thought the best thing to do was humour her. Once she tried, she would soon realise for herself that she wasn’t able to do anything really magical.
Eve stood two of the books upright and rested the third across the top of the others to form a small doorway.
“Watch this,” she said with a smile and wiggled her fingers in the way she’d been taught, the books began to glow slightly.
“Now give me a piece of toast and I’ll send it to another world!”
Eve pushed the slice of toast carefully through the door and smiled happily to herself as it disappeared from view from Adam’s side of the table.
“That’s a very good conjuring trick,” said Adam, “I didn’t see where the toast went at all.”
“Come round to this side of the table and have a look for yourself.
Adam did as he was told and gasped in amazement as he looked through the little window formed by the books. The toast was still in plain view, yet when he moved round to look at the other side it couldn’t be seen. He put his fingers carefully into the opening and pulled out the toast to have a good look at it. He put it back again just as carefully.
“However did you manage to do that?” he asked.
“I told you, that spell allows things to move to another world, it works for people just as well, providing the door is big enough of course.”
A crunching noise came from the pile of books and Adam pulled the toast out again. The crunching noise continued, but the toast now had a small bite sized piece missing. They both put their heads down and looked through the door at table level. A squirrel was sitting there holding the piece of toast in its paws, chewing away quite happily. Eve performed the cancelling spell and the sound stopped.
“We don’t want animals coming through into the house do we?” said Eve, triumphantly looking at the amazement on her husband’s face.
“This is absolutely incredible,” said Adam, “we’ll have to find a quiet place in the woods and experiment with this. Just think, we could go anywhere we want for a holiday and the travelling wouldn’t cost us anything!”
“I’m not sure it works like that, but I do agree we should experiment to make sure the spell doesn’t only take us to one place.”
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