Adam and Eve 4/5

By Geoffrey
- 896 reads
“’Ere wait a minute, who are you? You’re not goblins are you, how did you get down here?”
Several of the customers suddenly appeared to wake up and begin to take an interest in events.
Eve was sure she knew how to deal with the situation. “I’m a witch and my husband is a mighty wizard, we opened a door to get here and now we’re going to leave.”
The barman and all of the customers who were awake, got up and ran out of the building. The noise they made woke everyone else and in a few seconds the whole place was empty.
“Well, whatever else may be going on round here, at least they have a proper respect for witchcraft. Even so I don’t think I want a drink any more. Let’s go home.”
They followed everyone else out into the sunshine where an amazing sight met their eyes. They had both read enough fairy tales in their time to know that the whole of the valley was now swarming with goblins. They were all dressed in red and looked particularly nasty. They were obviously looking for something and as Adam and Eve left the saloon they ran towards them and began to follow the direction they were taking.
Suddenly a shout went up from the front of the crowd. “There it is!” The next moment a sea of red goblins was running towards the faintly glowing door and one by one they began to vanish through it.
Adam ran after them as fast as he could and was able to get to the door before too many had gone through. Then he pushed and shoved goblins out of the way to get Eve through to safety. She didn’t need to be told, but closed the door as soon as Adam had followed her through, then picked up the posts, just in case some of the goblins knew how to re-open it.
Unseen by the Gardeners, six goblins were already disappearing rapidly into the hills behind the timber yard.
“I think to be safe we’d better go to the pub and see if we can catch a cart back to the path where the proper door back home is situated. Now we know why the postholes were marked properly! But I’ve got a funny feeling there might be a bit of trouble about this, I have an idea that that lot were being kept out of harms way and now we’ve let some of them loose!”
Later that night when the Gardeners were back home, they made up their minds only to use the door in future when they wanted to visit Lurbridge.
“The only problem is that as far as I can make out, that is the area the Bell family visit regularly and I’m not sure what sort of welcome we’d get if they happened to meet us.”
Adam grinned, “How about disguising ourselves, if we look like locals then they’d never look closely at us. After all as far as they’re concerned they don’t know that we know the place even exists, let alone be able to visit it!”
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Totally enjoyed this,
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Does that mean that they can
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