The adoption of Cyril 3/4

By Geoffrey
- 701 reads
Cyril smiled happily. "Much better than peasants," he lisped. Suddenly he sat down with a most surprised expression on his face and hiccupped. A flame about a foot long shot out of each nostril. "Goodness me, I can do it," he said.
"It must be the coal, it obviously suits your digestion," said Jennifer Jane.
"Best Welsh steam coal that is," said Barnacle Bill, "I hope he doesn't eat any more, it's very expensive."
Cyril hiccupped again and produced another flame. "I think I've finished now and it was such a lovely taste." He looked hopefully at Barnacle Bill.
"No, you can't have any more," said Barnacle Bill, "it's not like sweets, you know. I need it to keep me warm in the winter and to power my vessel."
Jennifer Jane looked up. Something had caught her attention and after all, she was supposed to be on lookout duty. She could see a line of dots flying high in the sky reaching from horizon to horizon. One of them was diving down towards the paddle steamer and rapidly getting closer.
"Abigail's coming back," called Jennifer Jane, as soon as she could see who it was.
Abigail landed on the deck and jumping off her broom, immediately pointed her fingers at Cyril.
"Don't do anything to him," begged Jennifer Jane, "He's ever so friendly and not at all nasty."
Abigail lowered her hand but still kept her eyes on Cyril. "Are you both all right? We were flying a search pattern over this area and I saw dragon flame."
"Yes we're fine, thank you. His name's Cyril and he's only just found out that he can flame if he eats coal."
"That's all right then," said Abigail and she waved to the other witches who all turned round and flew off. "Now then," she continued, "what are we going to do with you now that you're here?"
"Please can I stay in this world?" asked Cyril.
"Well now, Jennifer Jane is a very important human who has been made an honorary witch's apprentice and if she says you can, I'll back her up."
Cyril looked at Jennifer Jane hopefully. "I've just had a smashing idea," said Jennifer Jane.
"I thought you might," smiled Abigail, "well, come on then, out with it."
"Why don't we ask Megan if she'll adopt him. He needs another dragon to look after him and if he likes coal to eat, he couldn't be in a better place than Wales."
Clarence and Megan were sunning themselves just outside Megan's cave. Clarence had got a treasure sitter for the day and had flown over to see his friend. They were laughing together about Jennifer Jane's party.
"The way Jennifer Jane's Mother jumped when she saw us and him saying it was all electronics. Oh dear, if only they knew."
"Hello then, someone's coming," said Megan.
Clarence looked round, "It's that nice witch young er, thingy and a baby dragon."
Her name is Jennifer Jane," said Megan "and don't you forget it, or I'll not be speaking to you again for a week."
Abigail, Jennifer Jane and Cyril landed and walked over to the two dragons.
"Hello, Jennifer Jane, old thing," said Clarence.
Megan smiled in relief. "And who's this young chap, then?" she asked.
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Aaw, Cyril sounds so cute.
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