The double glazing salesman 12/12
By Geoffrey
- 364 reads
“Show them all in here please Saunders, then with a bit of luck we’ll soon have all this sorted out.”
Abigail was first into the room. She was dressed in her full regalia, including her pointed hat; her cloak glittering with an impressive array of badges. Mary and Jennifer Jane were close on her heels, although they were both wearing their normal clothes.
Dave could see how Saunders had mistaken his daughter for a boy. As usual she was wearing her old boiler suit, but her hair still hadn’t grown back to its normal length since it had been cut short during her last adventure with Malcolm.
“Everything’s quite all right,” said Dave hurriedly, before Abigail could get upset about anything and start waving her hands about.
Mary ran over to him and gave him a hug, while Jennifer Jane held his hand. The squire waited politely until everyone had been introduced and had all their questions answered.
“You won’t believe this,” continued Dave after they had all settled down, “but I was just telling the squire that he ought to have double glazing installed to cut down on his fuel bills and make the house warmer in the winter.”
“That’s an interesting thought, said Abigail, “perhaps we ought to have it put into the Witches’ Home as well. After all it’s not as if we’re introducing any new technology from your world. Once someone has the idea, anyone who can afford it can have it made and fitted by local workmen.”
Dave explained the principles of double glazing to the squire. “I’ll have a word with Fundin and we’ll draw up some plans together. I daresay there are craftsmen in the village who can make the window frames and put in the glass.”
With everything settled, the whole group left to fly back to the Home. Abigail had her broom with Mary as a passenger, while Dave went on the pillion of Jennifer Jane’s scooter.
On the way back they visited the cave, where Dave found his wings lying where he’d left them. Fortunately they weren’t damaged, but as he said on the way home, “Next time I go flying, I’ll make sure that the wind’s not too strong to let me get back.”
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