Georgina Adam and Eve 6/12
By Geoffrey
- 306 reads
Adam and Eve were sitting at the kitchen table discussing their plans for the day.
“I don’t think we should go to the alternate world for a while. I have a feeling that something is going on there involving the Bell family. Perhaps it would be better to wait until a weekday and we know that Jennifer Jane is back at school.”
“I think you’re probably right dear,” said Adam looking out of the window and pointing in the direction of the wood at the end of their garden.
Eve looked round in astonishment. The whole of the Bell family had just walked out of the trees with a strange lady dressed in what were unmistakably alternate world clothes. None of them looked particularly happy.
“Can you tell me where you got the box that you gave Jennifer Jane last night,” said the lady from the alternate world, walking straight into the kitchen without asking permission.
Eve wasn’t quite sure what she should say.
“It’s very important that you tell us the truth,” said Jennifer Jane. “We’d much rather you told us of your own free will, but Abigail here is well able to make you tell us everything whether you like it or not, so please don’t try and leave anything out.”
“I don’t like your tone young lady,” said Adam, “I don’t take kindly to little girls threatening my wife!”
“It’s not a threat, it’s a promise,” said Abigail with a grim smile, “and be a little bit quicker about it. If it’s what I suspect, we haven’t got too much time to lose!”
Eve asked Adam to be quiet, then told the Bells everything that had happened since she first met George, her subsequent suspicions about the alternate world and her attempts to get there on her own. Then she finished with the events of the last few days.
“So to summarise” said Abigail, “you have managed to open a door using magic taught you by an unknown witch. You let out some of the goblins from Happy Valley by mistake and you’ve met another witch who gave you a box to give Jennifer Jane!”
Eve nodded, she had a feeling that Abigail was rather important and that some how she was going to get into trouble over her actions.
“The first witch is probably Leah,” said Abigail, looking towards Jennifer Jane. “I’ll have a word with her afterwards, but we have to find the second, who I strongly suspect is the one we know as Georgina, although I don’t think for one minute that’s her real name. Then we’ve got to decide what to do with these two, but I’ll leave that for a while and let the Council decide.”
“You can’t do anything to us,” said Adam, “we didn’t mean to do any harm, in any case we know about the other world and how to get there and there’s nothing you can do about that!”
“I’m only a little girl,” said Jennifer Jane, “so there’s nothing I can do to frighten you is there?”
She tucked her legs up underneath herself and sat in mid air for a few moments while she stared solemnly at Adam, then she slowly floated up to the ceiling and vanished. A few seconds later she walked in through the kitchen door as if nothing had happened. Adam’s mouth was still open as she came in.
“I’m only an apprentice, but Abigail is a senior witch and is my personal tutor. If I were you I’d do whatever she suggests and be grateful if you’re still the same shape this afternoon!”
“Look we’re awfully sorry if we’ve caused any trouble,” said Eve, “but it was all done in complete innocence and we’re both sorry for any problems we may have created!”
Abigail looked at Eve and wiggled her fingers. “Just as a precaution I’m stopping you from using your door again until we’ve decided what to do with you both. I’ve got to go now, but I’m sure that one of the Bells will tell you what’ll happen to you if you talk to any one else in this world about your adventures.”
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