The Ivory Dragon 3/14
By Geoffrey
- 311 reads
Polly was discussing a design with Robert as the whole Bell family burst into the workshop.
“Come on then let’s have a look at the latest masterpiece,” said Dave taking the piece of paper rather rudely from Polly’s hand.
He showed it to his family without another word, but with a disappointed expression on his face. Fortunately his back was turned to Polly as he handed it to them.
Mary took her cue from her husband’s attitude and managed to keep a smile on her own face as she looked at the drawing. It was a nice enough pattern for decorating a vase, but nowhere near the brilliant sculpture that Eve had shown them only an hour ago.
Several spiral lines drawn parallel to each other, were shown running from top to bottom of the vase. Another set with an opposite twist crossed them, thus dividing the surface into a series of diamond shapes.
“Very nice dear,” said Mary, “can I have a look at some of your other drawings?”
She walked across to a table covered with sheets of paper, while Dave had a word with Robert, inspecting various samples of his work as they spoke together.
“Have you sold very many of your designs so far?” asked Jennifer Jane.
“Only one or two I’m afraid,” replied Polly in a rather wobbly voice. “The squire at Lurbridge bought one, he said he always tried to encourage local industries!” She was trying hard to present a brave face, but was obviously very near to tears.
“I think I’ll pop over and see him. Who knows, his friends might have seen it by now and asked where they could buy one for themselves!”
Polly began to look a little happier, as Jennifer Jane left the workshop to collect her scooter.
There was quite a surprise waiting for her as the butler showed her into Mr. Manner’s study.
“Hello again young lady,” said the squire, “Saunders tells me you’ve come to see my collection of ivory carvings!”
He led the way across the room to a large glass fronted cabinet. Inside was a small collection of some of the most unusual things she’d ever expected to see on this world. Almost hidden in the darkest corner, was Polly’s nicely made, but not very spectacular vase.
The squire saw where she was looking and smiled. “Not at all the best piece as you can see. Your friends at the Witches’ Home have a good sense of decoration, but not too much imagination I’m afraid!”
The cabinet also held a beautiful model of a topsail schooner, very much like the Black cat and a replica of one of George’s delivery carts, complete with horse. However, the most amazing thing right at the front in pride of place, was a two-foot long carving representing a double decked London bus!
“Ah, I’d like your opinion on that one my dear if you don’t mind. I’m reliably informed that that is a vehicle that can be used by the ordinary public in your world. I don’t really see how, since there are no horses or any apparent way to attach them. Is there really something that looks like that, or have I been taken for a fool?”
Jennifer Jane explained the size of each bus and the frequency of the service where she lived, including the fact that people had to pay to make a journey.
The squire looked amazed and thought for a moment, while he did sums in his head.
“There must be two or three of these things if you’re right!”
“There are probably tens of thousands all over the country. I expect a dozen or so are needed to serve even a small village like ours!”
The squire sat for a moment gazing thoughtfully at his guest. “Are any of these contraptions made any smaller?” he asked suddenly.
Jennifer Jane assured him that there were, usually without the upper deck. Then before he had a chance to ask any more questions, she asked permission to leave. Now that she’d got over the shock of seeing the contents of the squire’s cabinet, she had a lot more questions to ask and a lot more places to visit.
She flew off towards Lower Dene as fast as possible. As she went she was putting two and two together. George had lived for some time in her world when he’d been trapped there by a magical accident. He certainly knew what a bus looked like, while his assistant Morwenna was the witch who’d thought of the idea of combining large numbers of teeth into a lump that could be shaped without any loss of quality. It was certainly possible that George’s company had found their own sculptor and used Polly’s idea to go into business for themselves.
She found both George and Morwenna sitting glumly at a table, staring at a large model of a jet aircraft.
“I think some one has beaten us to the punch,” said George, looking round at her as she came through the door, “this sort of thing is cropping up wherever there’s anyone with enough money to buy one.”
“That’s why I’m here,” said Jennifer Jane, “I’ve just seen a model of a bus over at the squire’s mansion in Lurbridge, while at home in my world I’ve seen a model dragon!”
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