Jennifer Jane and the Tooth fairy 2/6
By Geoffrey
- 751 reads
When they arrived back home Jennifer Jane couldn't wait. "Can I play in the woods for the rest of the day?" she asked.
"Yes of course but remember to be home by teatime."
"Thanks Mum," said Jennifer Jane and she ran off to the magic clearing in the woods as fast as she could go.
"Wish Warehouse, please," she panted and shutting her eyes, she walked along one of the magic paths. She counted up to twenty and then opened her eyes again.
Sure enough, she was outside the Wish Warehouse and just going through the door was the lady Jennifer Jane had seen in the bank.
"Lieutenant Moonshine," called Jennifer Jane. The lady turned round and as she'd suspected, it really was her.
"Hello Jennifer Jane, I'm glad to see my staff are looking after your wishes even in my absence."
"Yes, thank you," said Jennifer Jane politely. "I just saw you in our local bank. Why ever do you want ordinary human money?"
"Just come inside and let me change into my proper uniform," said Lieutenant Moonshine "and I'll tell you all about it."
Jennifer Jane and Lieutenant Moonshine went inside the Wish Warehouse. It was just as Jennifer Jane remembered. Some fairies were running about carrying exciting looking parcels, bells were ringing and other fairies were just standing around giving orders and looking important.
"Now then, have a glass of freshly collected nectar while I go and change," said Lieutenant Moonshine "and then we'll have a chat."
Jennifer Jane waited in the office, sipping her drink. It really was very nice. "It tastes a little like honey," she thought.
Lieutenant Moonshine came back looking more like herself. "I do hate those stuffy clothes," she said, "I don't know how you put up with them all the time! Still, that's that for a month or two and now I suppose you want to know why we want the money?"
Jennifer Jane had been putting two and two together.
"You're a Tooth Fairy," she said.
"That's very clever of you," laughed Lieutenant Moonshine. "You're quite right, of course. I'm the Tooth Fairy for this area. It's quite an important position!"
"You need the money to pay for our baby teeth."
"Yes, that's right. It has to be silver coins, you know and haven't the costs gone up in the last few years! Why I can remember......"
"When it was only Threepenny Joeys," interrupted Jennifer Jane rather rudely.
"Quite right," said Lieutenant Moonshine "and now I suppose you want to know why we want them?"
"Yes please, Ma'am," said Jennifer Jane, remembering her manners.
"Do you know, my dear, I haven't the faintest idea," said Lieutenant Moonshine with a smile. "It's something that's been done for hundreds of years and I don't know if there's anyone who really knows why we do it! When we've collected enough, we take them to the Clerk of the Weather but I don't know what he wants them for."
Jennifer Jane was very disappointed. If the Tooth Fairy didn't know what the teeth were used for, then who else would be able to tell her? Then she had an idea.
"I'll go and see the Oldest Goblin," she cried, "he knows all sorts of old stories and if any one can tell me it will be him."
"I'll magic you to him straight away," said Lieutenant Moonshine and she rang a little bell on her desk.
Almost at once a fairy knocked on the door. "Yes, Ma'am?" she asked.
"Wise Old Goblin's house for Jennifer Jane straight away, please." said Lieutenant Moonshine and almost before Jennifer Jane could say a polite "thank you," she was whisked off to the Oldest Goblin's house.
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