Ley lines 6/11
By Geoffrey
- 402 reads
The grown ups all walked into the circle, put on their pointed hats, then held hands and began walking widdershins chanting as they went.
Jennifer Jane couldn’t really see the point of it all. They were just repeating things like ‘Peace to the world.’ Then at some signal, they changed the chant to ‘May the earth be bountiful and prosper.’ They weren’t even pretending to do any magic and she very quickly got bored.
“I wonder if this circle is really on a Ley line,” she thought after a while.
Well, there was only one way to find out! She began pacing round and round as near to the circle as she could get, without getting in the way of the others. She gradually wandered off to one side, since she couldn’t get into the circle itself, then after a couple of minutes she felt her first prickle.
By this time she was about twenty yards away from the circle, so making sure that no one was looking, she banged her heel into the ground. Then she circled round the spot she’d just found, as she had during her class at the Witches’ Home.
She quickly found a second spot and marked it, but then try as she might she wasn’t able to find a third. The two spots she already had were pointing nowhere near where the stones were supposed to have been, but no matter which way she tried to extend the line, she couldn’t find the next point.
There was only one thing to do and that was to go back to the original method of circling round one point. She walked carefully round the second point she’d found and fairly quickly discovered the next one.
Very strange! The three marks in the ground were in the form of a triangle, yet Ley lines were always supposed to be straight! She continued her search. By this time the path she was walking was round the outside of the supposed stone circle. Then fairly close together she found two more points. None of this made any sense in her head, so she sat down for a moment to try and puzzle it all out.
Her dad always said ‘if in doubt draw a diagram’. Fortunately the moonlight was bright enough for her to see, so she scratched a drawing on the ground using a piece of twig. It suddenly dawned on her, there were two Ley lines! She’d been finding spots on each one, but the last two that she’d found made everything clear. She lined up the spots as well as she was able and guessed at the crossing point.
She slowly walked backwards and forwards across the area she had in her mind, then suddenly she felt an extremely strong prickling in her feet, it was just like the sort of pain you get with ‘pins and needles’.
This must be the crossing point and without thinking, she banged her heel into the ground. It hurt so much, that she went dizzy for a moment, and then felt as if she was falling before everything went dark.
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