A little knowledge 5/5
By Geoffrey
- 646 reads
Jennifer Jane was nearly crying as she arrived back at the Witches' Home and went to look for Abigail. Not only did she expect that she was going to find herself in trouble for using the wrong spell but she was worried about the villagers’ chances of having enough to eat during the coming winter.
"Right then," said Abigail when she'd heard the tearful story, "I'll go and change into my Sunday best, to impress the peasants and then I'll risk using the spell for instantaneous travel to save an hour or so. Just so that you don't feel too happy about me putting things right for you, I'll tell you now that you're in big trouble and I'm going to have to sort out a suitable punishment."
Jennifer Jane started to imagine all the sorts of things that the witches might do to punish her. They might take away her flying broom, or stop her from using magic. They could even make her and her parents forget all about the magic folk in the woods at the end of her garden.
She burst into tears with worry, as she climbed on the broom behind Abigail, who didn't offer any sympathy at all. That only made things worse. She had always been so understanding in the past, so what had been done must be very serious indeed.
The broom rose slowly into the air. There was a flash and a bang and they were immediately outside the door to the 'Plough', there was no sensation of movement at all. The locals poured out into the road and then all started talking at once.
Abigail stood perfectly still with a very grim expression on her face. Jennifer Jane didn't see her fingers move, but suddenly everyone was left speechless, with very surprised and angry looks on their faces.
Abigail pointed sternly at the landlord. "You may speak."
The landlord explained the situation from the villagers' point of view.
"You will all stay here while I go to sort out your problem. My apprentice can walk to the fields as part of her punishment."
Jennifer Jane meekly did as she was told. It wasn't very far to walk but by the time she arrived, the fields were all filled with ripening grain and the pasture land was fresh and green. Strangely, Abigail had also produced a tall tower with a ladder going up to a platform at the top.
"Every day for the next week, you will climb up this tower and keep a sharp look out for giant rabbits. When you see one, you'll bring it back to normal size using this spell," Abigail handed her a piece of paper with some fingering shown on it. "You have to do it for every individual rabbit; otherwise everything else will be made small as well. I'll tell your parents where you are and why you're here. You can make your own arrangements at the village for your meals and lodging. I'll come and fetch you in a weeks time."
Abigail got on her broom and flew off without saying another word. Jennifer Jane tucked the piece of paper in her pocket and started climbing the ladder. With Abigail's departure, the villagers had been released from their silence and chattering noisily amongst themselves, came to see what had happened to their fields.
From the top of her tower, Jennifer Jane couldn't hear any of the words but the general tone sounded much happier. One or two of them looked up and shook their fists at her but the majority just ignored her.
When it got dark, Jennifer Jane came down and crept into the 'Plough'. Nobody spoke to her, it was just as if she'd been sent to Coventry. The landlord pointed upstairs when she caught his eye and she went up to her room as quietly as possible. There was a tray on the bedside table, with some bread and cheese and a glass of water. This was definitely going to be a miserable week.
For the next week Jennifer Jane climbed her ladder every morning and every evening her bread and water was waiting for her. The high spot of the week came on Thursday, when she saw one of the giant rabbits and brought its size back to normal using the spell Abigail had given her.
However, Saturday came at last and Abigail flew in at midday. Thankfully she was her normal happy self.
"Well how many rabbits have you seen?"
"Only one I'm afraid, will I have to stay here another week?"
Abigail laughed. "There was only one left, I'd fixed all the others before I went last week. The whole purpose of this exercise has been to teach you a lesson you won't forget. In future never ever use a spell you haven't been taught, without telling a qualified witch exactly what it's for. It can be extremely dangerous messing about with things you don't understand,” she continued “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing!
Now let's just go back home and get back to everyday life."
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Glad that everything turned
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