The maiden voyage of the Mary Belle 13/13
By Geoffrey
- 778 reads
As soon as Fern mentioned her father, Jennifer Jane began smiling happily. “Just as well you reminded me about dad,” she said, “he always has a laugh with workmen when it comes to paying the bill. He says that the cost of the tea my mum makes for them is more than the cost of the job and that they owe him money!”
Fern looked puzzled. “How does that help Barnacle Bill get his paddle steamer back?”
“The Mary Belle’s captain was completely lost wasn’t he and had no idea how to get home. Then Barnacle Bill lent him his chronometer and sextant, so that he could navigate his way here. Now he can start trading at once and save the company a lot of money. Surely he could say that the fee for using his instruments and the saving in time was at least equal to the value of the salvage claim!”
Barnacle Bill looked hopefully at Fern. A slow smile spread over her face. “Do you know, I think it might work at that.” She marched purposefully towards the office.
Five minutes later she emerged with her face wreathed in smiles. “I told them that the saving in company time alone, was worth much more than the salvage claim, also it was quite probable that they may have damaged the steamer pulling it off the beach. Then I said that Barnacle Bill would call it quits if they pay for the steamer to be hauled out of the water, refitted and have any damage repaired. And they’ve agreed!”
Barnacle Bill jumped up and hugged Fern and Jennifer Jane, he was practically speechless with joy. “Oh gosh!” he kept repeating, “Oh gosh!”
“Come along my girl,” said Fern, “let’s have the perfect end to a perfect day and sail you home to your parents in Jayjay.”
Once they arrived in the giant’s pool, Fern walked with Jennifer Jane up to her house. “Just in case you get into any trouble about being away for so long.”
As she’d expected, although her parents were pleased to see her back home safely, they were much more interested in hearing the story of her travels. Fern put in a word now and again, just to clarify some points for the grown-ups.
Dad laughed at the end when he heard about the way that Barnacle Bill was going to get his boat overhauled. “It’s a very old joke you know. I never thought anyone would actually believe it. Now the only thing that worries me, is what you’re going to get up to next.”
He looked at Fern and raised an eyebrow; “It wouldn’t surprise me if it wasn’t something to do with dragons!”
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That Jennifer Jane's one
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A very good story. Now on2
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