The Party 2/5
By Geoffrey
- 518 reads
They were soon on the lawn behind the home. An apprentice witch came across as Jennifer Jane jumped down from the cloud. "Can I help you?" she asked.
Jennifer Jane explained that she wanted to see Abigail.
"Well, she's still on holiday really but she's due back any time now. Is there anything I can help you with while you're waiting?"
"Yes, please, " said Jennifer Jane, "I've never seen the other side of the Witches' Home. I've always arrived by river or on Frosty's cloud and we always arrive on the same side."
The apprentice laughed. "I'm afraid you always will. The river only connects to the wishing fog near the Giant's pool. It's all very strong magic of course but the front of the house doesn't really exist in your world at all."
Just then, there was a 'whoosh' just over their heads. Two suitcases with a broom strapped underneath and a witch sitting between the cases, zoomed past and landed near the house. Abigail got off her broom and stretched.
"Hello Jennifer Jane: I've had a lovely holiday but it's always good to be back."
Jennifer Jane explained the reason for her visit.
"Please bring any of your friends who'd like to come," she added.
Abigail said that she'd be delighted and would invite any of the other witches who were off duty on Saturday.
Frosty took Jennifer Jane back to the Giant's pool and then flew back to the Clerk of the Weather's office to continue his ordinary work.
The Giant was ever so excited when she explained why she had come to see him.
"That'll be a rare treat to see so many people all at once, especially if I can be magicked down to human size."
He promised to ask Barnacle Bill and his sailor friends and then Jennifer Jane went off to the Goblins' village.
She went to see the Oldest Goblin first and he called a meeting of the whole village so that she didn't have to visit every single one of them.
Mr Kernell and his nut cracking team and all the firemen wanted to go but a lot of the others had to stay behind to look after the young children and the Oldest Goblin said he was too old for parties.
At last, Jennifer Jane finished making all the invitations. Dad was already in the garden setting up the barbecue as she came out of the woods.
"Any idea yet how many are coming?" he asked.
Jennifer Jane did some quick adding up in her head. There would be about thirty goblins, ten fairies, six witches, the Giant, the Clerk of the Weather and two dragons.
"I'm not absolutely certain about some of them but there ought to be about fifty," she said.
"Fifty!" exclaimed Dad, "I thought there might be about ten or twelve, say twenty at the most. There must be a whole village full of your friends hidden somewhere in those woods."
"Yes, there is, "she replied, as she walked towards the house, leaving her Dad staring at her and muttering "fifty" to himself under his breath.
Jennifer Jane was having her tea when he came in from the garden. "Has she told you how many of her friends are coming?" he asked Mother. "We'll have to get a lot more food for the barbecue and goodness only knows what we'll do if it rains."
He went into the kitchen to wash his hands.
"By the way, everybody thought it would be a lovely idea if we all wore fancy dress," said Jennifer Jane
Dad stood in the doorway, drying his hands on a towel. "Fancy dress as well! Are you quite sure you wouldn't like me to hire a brass band and a marquee in case it rains?," he added sarcastically.
"Oh no, they're all very quiet and it will be a lovely evening," said Jennifer Jane quite seriously.
He burst out laughing, "Well, that's a relief."
"I think we've got a bit more planning to do," said Mother, "do you have any idea what you'd like to wear?"
"I've got some sailor's clothes upstairs that have only been worn once," said Jennifer Jane, "one of my friends gave them to me when I fell in a river by accident."
"I think Dad and I will have to dress up as a witch and a wizard," laughed her Mum, "we'll certainly need some magic to get everything ready in time."
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