The second attempt 5/8
By Geoffrey
- 584 reads
The entire crew of the good ship Jayjay strolled into the town. Both members were happily window shopping when Jennifer Jane spotted a poster.
'The Great Alfredo's Amazing Circus. (Afternoon performances Wednesday and Saturday, children half price), is in town for one week only. See the bareback riders with their death defying skills on horseback. Be baffled by the incredible feats of magic performed by Mephisto the Magnificent.'
There was a lot more in the same vein, illustrated with some very fanciful drawings.
"Do let's go," said Jennifer Jane, "I've met Alfred, he's the showman who brought Sir George back from Spain. The conjuror is new. Now that I know some magic myself it'll be interesting to see how good he really is."
Fern agreed that it should be fun, so Jennifer Jane popped into the shop displaying the poster and asked for directions to get to the circus.
"You don't need any directions love," said the lady in the shop, "so many people want to see the new conjuror, that a special bus service has been organised to take them there. The bus stop is just down the road, you can't miss it, it's got a 'Circus Special' notice on the sign."
Jennifer Jane and Fern got on the first bus to come past. The country lanes were very narrow and when they arrived, there would have been no room left in the field to park more than twenty or so cars. It was obvious why the bus service had been provided, since the circus was so popular. Jennifer Jane soon spotted the caravan where 'The Great Alfredo' lived and she went and tapped on the door. She didn't have to remind him who she was. As soon as the door opened he remembered her.
"Hello again miss, you're the young lady who knew Sir George, aren't you? How is he getting on? I suppose you've come to see my new conjuring act, he's very good. I've been watching him closely for weeks now and I can't see how he does his tricks."
Jennifer Jane finally managed to get a word in edgeways and introduced Fern as a friend who worked in a boatyard. Alf was kind enough to give them complimentary tickets, 'for old times sake'.
"You really must see Mephisto make people disappear, it's quite incredible. He puts them into a glass box and then moves them to a similar box on the other side of the ring. If I didn't know it was a trick, I'd have to start believing in magic! I must go, the show's about to start, your tickets give you reserved seats in the front row, enjoy yourselves." He hurried off, pulling on his red coat as he walked towards the big top.
Jennifer Jane and Fern found their seats just as the lights in the tent were dimmed. A much larger band than the one Jennifer Jane remembered, struck up and the first act came into the ring. The circus itself wasn't very different to the previous time she seen it. The audience didn't seem too impressed either. It was obvious that everyone was waiting for the magic act to appear.
At last the Great Alfredo, resplendent in frock coat and top hat, whip in hand, announced the final act.
"And now ladies and gentlemen, the climax of our show, incredible feats of magic performed by the greatest magician of them all, Mephisto the Magnificent
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