The Winged Witch 4/15
By Geoffrey
- 354 reads
Logically enough, Jennifer Jane began her search at the place where she had last seen the salesman. Once she mentioned that he sometimes carried a box about two feet long, the barman of the George and Dragons knew immediately who she meant.
“He said his name was Samuel, but we all call him Sam around here. He comes from one of those fancy worlds like yours that have what he called ‘high technology’. I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean, but he made it sound very posh!”
“Lots of machines and no magic,” explained Jennifer Jane with a smile, “I suppose he comes here through the travel fog in Timber Creek.”
One of the sailors in the bar spoke up; he’d obviously overheard the conversation. “Always comes in on one of Davy Jones’ vessels,” he said, “don’t know where from though!”
She thanked him and flew over to the quayside to ask her questions there. Several of the Davy Jones fleet were tied up loading timber. The captains told her that the company had an open charter to pick up Sam or his friends from Smallport whenever they were waiting and bring them to this world.
At least that information made up her mind for her, so she flew through the fog at the river mouth and five minutes later landed in Smallport. Once again the mention of the large box got her the information she wanted.
“Comes here on one of those fancy streamlined motor ships. Half a dozen or so get off at once, then they all pick up different ships and set off for some of the queerest places in your world that you ever heard of. Shouldn’t have thought one box at a time made it all worth the trouble, but they’ve been at it now for a month or so.”
She was getting more and more frustrated by the minute. What she really wanted was some definite timetable of Sam’s movements. She went back to the George and Dragons and had a good hard think while she was drinking her ginger beer. Going back over the events of the last few days it suddenly came to her.
She’d seen Leah with a watch checking the time that he was due to return from her world. Sam must have given it to her so that she need only open the door when he was due to go through one way or the other. She drained her glass and flew over to the place where the door had been, then scouted round looking for the place where Leah lived.
It didn’t take too long to spot her cottage from the air. It certainly wasn’t one of the Merlin Homes; it looked more like a large garden shed that had had bits and pieces added on over the years. One thing was for sure; Leah was not one of the most successful witches in the area!
She landed her scooter on the path that ran past the front door. Close to, the building looked more like a shed than ever. Most of the woodwork round the windows was rotting, while the roof was covered with felt that had once been saturated with tar. She walked up the path hesitating for a moment before knocking gently on the door in case it fell down.
Leah didn’t recognise her. “Yes deary and what can poor old Leah do for you today?”
Jennifer Jane told the old lady who she was as gently as possible and the reason she wanted to have a chat. Leah seemed rather bemused by her enquiries.
“I’m sorry dear, but I’m afraid my memory is not what it was, I think I’ve heard about someone called Jennifer Jane but she’s quite an important witch, as for this Samuel person I don’t know anyone of that name at all!”
“Have you got a watch to remind you of the time?”
Leah looked puzzled for a moment then triumphantly put her hand into one of her pockets and produced the watch that she’d used while she waited for Sam.
“I remember now, a nice gentleman gave me this in return for opening and closing a door locally. It rings a bell when he wants me to go out there to open it. Then it rings again the next day for me to go and open it again. I have to leave the door open for half an hour each time the bell rings. He comes every twelve days, so I can go away for a little while if I need to without having to worry.”
The sight of the watch certainly seemed to have jogged her memory. Jennifer Jane thanked Leah very much for her help and rode off on her scooter. It was easy enough to work out the next day that Sam would be coming to the area, while Leah obviously had no idea that the door had been closed permanently and the postholes filled in.
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