The Witches of Holmwood 7/7
By Geoffrey
- 879 reads
The cloud arrived at the Bell home long before Abigail Everyone thanked Frosty for his help and he flew off back to the Wish Warehouse.
They all trooped through the side gate to their neighbour’s and Mary knocked on the door. Eve met them and was introduced to Dave.
“We’re hoping that a witch friend of ours, is coming round to see you. We’ve been telling her all about your Order and she sounds quite interested.”
“Oh jolly good,” said Eve, “we’re always willing to meet new groups. I see the cat has taken a fancy to your daughter.”
Moggy was walking round Jennifer Jane’s legs purring loudly, stopping every now and again for a stroke.
“I don’t know where he came from,” Eve continued, “he just turned up the day we had our party and seemed to want to join in.”
At that moment Abigail walked in to the garden. Jennifer Jane was just about to introduce ‘our friend who’s a witch,’ when Abigail put her finger on her lips to tell the Bells not to make any sign that she was there.
She went to stand by Mary without saying a word. Moggy stopped rubbing himself against Jennifer Jane and began walking in circles round Abigail, arching his back against her legs instead.
“Daft animal,” said Eve, “he’s walking round in circles now for no reason at all.”
Moggy looked at Jennifer Jane. She was quite sure he winked at her and then he began chasing his tail.
“Daft as a brush,” said Eve, “peculiar animals, cats!”
“So are ordinary humans,” said Moggy, lying on his back wriggling, as Abigail bent down and tickled his tummy.
“It doesn’t look as if our friend could make it after all," said Mary, “she should have been here by now if she was going to be able to come. Some other time perhaps.”
Abigail went back with the Bells to their own house. “I think that proves the point,” she said, “she couldn’t see me, so she’s obviously an ordinary human in spite of all the badges and other trimmings. However, that cat has belonged to a real witch at some time, does anyone know how he got here?”
Jennifer Jane told Abigail how he’d come through the door that the wicked witch from Hetherside had opened, before Sir George had eventually killed her.
Jennifer Jane stayed out in the garden playing with the cat, while Dave walked along the lawn with Abigail towards the woods, having a quiet word before she left. He came back indoors with a big grin on his face.
“What have you been up to Dave?” asked Mary.
“You’ll have to wait and see, I’ve just fixed up a surprise for our daughter next time she goes off to the Witches’ Home.
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Mmm, so the neighbours were
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Another goodie. Well done.
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