Awembuwa Awembuwa
By gingeresque
- 1373 reads
Secret#8: when Jasmine asked me to talk to Ahmed for her, I totally knew what I was doing when I flirted with him, and I got a sorta kick out of him asking me out. Then of course I totally paid for it when he dumped me for Lara.
WARNING: the following journal is composed of bits and bobs that were flying around in the writer's head, and are therefore lacking in sequence and relevance. We apologise for the technical failure, and look forward to serving you better in the future. Please, free drinks on us.
I just remembered this moment we had in Basata, where Mariam, Vanessa and I stood in the shallow water, watching people try to get into the sea without touching the sand (due to previously-mentioned scary sandfish), which was all very funny. So we started singing "In the Jungle", Vanessa did the deep voice, Mariam did the high-pitched "AAAoooooyayayayaaaa" and I was the " Awembuwa Awembuwa", which is very hard to keep up when you're trying not to laugh. Reenacting the jungle song in our bikinis was quite fun, except when we made excessively energetic monkey moves and the bikini bottoms would slip off a bit (bad elastic bands).
I had this weirdass dream last night, about how I was chatting with this online guy, and then suddenly he appeared and started following me home.
He knew which floor I lived on, so I rang my neighbours' bell and hid in their room, but when I shut their door and pulled the lock, it suddenly disappeared, and a hand slipped through and pushed it open.
All this time he had such a friendly face, but it really freaked me out.
Is ten thirty AM too early to eat Cheetos?
And then I dreamt that Abby was calling me from some African country on my mobile phone, and I refused to pick up. I guess it means that I still think of her, but I will never forgive her for forgetting about us.
And then there was Stef, who talked to me as if nothing had happened, and I asked her about her job and her boss, when I already knew the answers. The silence was awkward, we were both trying to be nice, but somehow it just wasn't working.
My dreams are weird, but you can always find a shred of meaning in them.
oooh a cookie.
I saw Laura Bush and Susann Mubarak yesterday. You should have seen the amount of American security around. They even had a special convoy with US Army guys and their ammunition just hanging around their necks in full view. Scary, especially since these people are notorious for shooting anyone who stands in their way.
Even worse, Laura got the nicer car, some cool limousine while poor Susann only got a boring Mercedes. Not fair, I think.
I've got stuck harping on this issue, while everyone keeps pointing out that Mama America gets the bigger car coz Bush is VIP while Mubarak is SLVIP (Slightly Less VIP).
OH, congratulations, EGYPT! today we get to go out and vote for the new referenununundum! (i dunno how to end that word) DO WE WANT MUBARAK 4EVER (forever ever? forever ever?) ? nope. now if we only knew where we had to go to vote. nice subtlle way, how the government has "forgotten" to tell us what to do and how to do it.
(that was a brief display of political fervour- trust me it doesnt happen often, so hang on to this moment and put it in your pocket-save it for a rainy day)
I just realized that I totally forgot to mention Al on my How You Remind Me list. I feel really guilty, since he took up two years of my life.Freud would probably have a field day with this.
I miss ice cream. can't wait to start on the Mango ice lollies.
i just remembered the rest of my dream; that someone on DA turned out to be the cousin of my friends, and they ended up gathering around the computer reading my stuff, and i thought "Awshhiit" and tried to erase all their names from my journals.
hmm, is this guilt?
I'm listening to Nile FM on the net, getting all Cairo-sick and nostalgic. I really think I should try to apply for a post as a radio talk show host; I mean, I've bee practicing on my hairbrush in my mirror since forever, and I can talk your head off like nobody's business, AND I have great taste in cheesy/ deep music, so why not? Give that Natalie Ugh Carnie a run for her money.
I need to cut my hair. And get a credit card.
And save money. And buy myself a pair of hoop earrings.
Oooh and some sushi. some black eel kickass sushi.
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