By gingeresque
- 1093 reads
Took a deep breath, tried to shut up my overanalyzing paranoid brain, and just enjoy the fact that this boy is next to me, stuck together in downtown traffic.
He's pissed off at the gridlock, rolls up the windows and starts yelling his lungs out, enough road rage to make even Mariam cower in fear, and i hunch up in my seat, threatening to get out if he keeps up the yelling, but secretly admiring him for actually doing something i've always wanted to do but never had the guts to.
We watched a play that Mariam was acting in, got there after the first intermission, she gave us a dirty look, assuming we'd been too busy making out, but it was the traffic, I swear!
Sometimes in the play, I noticed how we laughed at the same time at the same thing in the same way... and it felt comfortable.
I introduced him to my friends, but only by his name, no title, since he doesn't have one, and quite frankly i dont know what he is, or where we are yet.
I don't know how to ask him, and i don't want to embarass him, but i really don't want him to call my his girlfriend if i'm calling him a friend.
Oh, the perils of being politically correct.
After the play, we went over to the director's house with all my old theatre friends (cue wave of nostalgia), and i could see him watching me the whole night.
Everytime i say something, he's there in the corner of my eye, laughing, with that look on his face.
We all know I dig the admiration, but i don't know if i can get used to this.
And then he said: "You know, I was putting food into the microwave yesterday and trying to remember how long I've known you, and when I counted them, it turns out we've met only 11 times."
11 times???
"11 times?!" screeched and proceeded to hyperventilate.
How can it have only been 11 times? and since when do I kiss someone after only having met him 8 times?
Usually i'm as fast as a stoned turtle with arthritis, so what's got into me?
I then kept screeching "11 TIMES?!" the whole night till he sighed in exasperation and asked:
"Are you freaked out about the number or the fact that I actually counted the times?"
"It's just so soon," I tried to reason diplomaticaly, " And I feel like i've known you much longer..."
And the cool thing is i can tell him anything on my mind, complete honesty, no games, no mindtrips.
"Me too," he said and smiled, "from the moment I met you I felt we had this instant connection."
And then I proceeded to melt.
"Instant connection?" I cooed at him, and wondered how I'd met a guy who had taken the words right out of my mouth, words that I'd been trained not to use so soon if ever, so as not to freak the guy out.
"Or was it just my imagination?" he asked, and I cooed even more, reached out to play with his hair, his lovely lovely hair, and he stopped talking, because he finds it hard to focus when I play with his hair, and we were happy.
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