Eating Chip and Dale
By gingeresque
- 1324 reads
Currently: Cracking up to EMinem's "Ass Like That"
Man, i love it when he's politically incorrect! and the fact that i like the song has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it's about nice asses, which we all know is not at all my favourite subject.
Went to aida on friday, sunbathed with the girls- we mostly lay on our stomachs, 'cause it gave us front seat view of a group of six-packed guys who rubbed sunoil on their already gleaming muscles and posed, flexing their biceps in protein-shake ad style.
It's very refreshing to see sixpacks, kinda reinstalls our faith in the existence of goodlookin men, a terrible shortage here in alex...
in the evening, two meals, four deserts, and countless pepsi's later, we sat by the cabin, wrapped in shawls like old ladies and watched the boys play frisbee. Ever noticed how guys react just like dogs when they see a frisbee? it's like
"Frisbee!Catch!MustCatch!Must-AAAAAAAGHHHHHfell off wall.OOOh Frisbeee!Catch!"
kinda cute.
Had too much sugar (merringe!woopdidoo!) and got all hyper on poor american friend of friend who apparently studied weather in college (?!!!!!) and had me doing double takes, up till the point he said he'd eaten squirrel meat, and i flipped out ("You ATE CHIP and DALE? How CAN You Sleep AT Night?")
So Shadi calls me and says let's go for brunch, because he found an article about his friend in a magazine i write for, and now he wants to be in the magazine too. I guess he thinks it's a great babe-magnet, and i have to admit, the photos on his friend are pretty damn fine, and three of my girl friends have already stolen the magazine from our coffee place (it's free so we don't feel that guilty) to gaze lovingly at his face.
Hmm, he might be right about the magnet thing.
Although i wish i could tell him that he's more NiceGuy than dark and mysterious.
And i wouldnt have minded the brunch, if it hadnt stunk so much of upkissing.
But oh well, that's what you get with popularity.
on a brighter note, apparently everyone at the office hates my fire-spewing boss and we're looking forward to her travelling to greece tomorow for seven blissful days (MUSIC BLARING LOUD) and maybe someday *eyes get all misty* she will get her ass kicked out, so i can enjoy myself before i leave end of october.
Oh God! Four Months till My Birthday! So Much To Do!
i make this list every year of things i have to get done before the year is out, kinda like resolutions but on my birthday, i think my list this year went along the lines of:
-Take French Courses
-Learn Italian
-Road Trip!
-Karaoke Again
-Dance on Tables
-Practice Yoga,belly dancing and salsa
-Paint again
- Climb A Mountain
-See Paris
-Kiss In Broad Daylight
-Ice Skate
-GEt Another Piercing
-Read all the books i picked up but never got done: Catch 22, the Simarillion, The God of Small Things, etc
and i've done barely nohing on that list, and only four months to go!!! bloody 'ell!
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