Family Life.

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 412 reads
I have 5 cats, I love to watch them play, and they all play differently, I love to watch them eat, they all eat differently, some eat greedily, some slowly, another takes a juicy bit of meat and eat it in a corner, leaving their dish open for another to steal their breakfast, I love to watch them drink water, yet one of them never drinks water, but milk only, if you give him any meal without his milk, he will just look up at you, or leave it, as soon as he sees the milk bottle he comes running.
I love it when they go out to the loo, and the ones that try to pull a fast one and try to use the loo inside! I love it when they are excited for their breakfast, all tails are in the air, some rubbing themselves on my legs, not walking in a straight line, right in front of me, in a zig zag way, think this is only taught in Cat School! I always save them some meat from the night before, from my dinner, but most of all I love to watch them fast asleep, in a ball, on their side, on their back, each cat sleeps differently. Usually in their same place, but if a cat is in a favourite spot, sometimes another cat will steal that other cat's place.
I love their very different personalities. There is a definitely an hierarchy. There is a Boss, then the one that is second in command, the one at bottom of the pile, surprising is not the youngest, nor the last to arrive. I make sure no one steals his food. They know their places on the kitchen floor, for breakfast, the layout is always the same. Gray, Nanny, Turmeric, Jonathan and Hotel (my name for him) Fat Bloke (my Husband’s name for him) he eats alone in a different room for he hated by all the other animals, cats and dogs but not by Turmeric.
Jonathan you can’t put him on your lap, he will jump straight off again, but when you are seated, he will come onto your lap, then, “You are the chosen one.” He will sit on your lap for hours! Turmeric, always gives you his tummy to rub, he can’t get enough tummy rubs. Only Hubby knows Hotel’s best bits, under his chin, arm pits and tummy. Gray purrs every day of her life! She is the happiest, calmest cat. Nanny who is the oldest cat, she is very wise, mature and she is the one who will steal you, slipper, sock or shoe! If I clean the floors with weak bleach, it sends the girl cats wild, they roll on the backs, loving the scent of it. Moths, flies and spiders don’t stand a chance, if they are spotted, it’s the end. Only one cat brings back unwanted gifts, that is Nanny, Jonathan did go through a bad phase, where he kept bringing back littles voles and adult magpies, but that thankfully lasted only about 2 months.
Recently I have thought what will happen if one of them dies? This will affect us all as a family, Nanny goes out at the front of the house, she is not frightened of anyone, many passers-by stroke her as she sits on the low brick wall, and talk to her and she often follows us down the road! Recently when it is dark and quiet, Gray and Jonathan has started going around the front, we their Parents want to tell them, “No, please stay at the back, in the garden.” But we can't communicate this to them.
I can't imagine all 5 of our Cats no longer with us in the future. It would not be the same without them in our lives. Recently my Daughter who is away at University said to me, “I am SO glad you have the cats to keep you company, now us Kids are no longer at home.” So am I.
My Daughter has asked me to send her photos, I do anyway, I take the photos when they are mainly asleep, I always call it, “Family Life.”
I have LOTS of pictures of our cats.
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How lovely to
How lovely to read more of your cats Grace. Long may they continue to give you so much pleasure.
Very much enjoyed reading and put a smile on my face.
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