The Five Second Rule.

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 334 reads
I have no patience, so last year I devised a plan to help me. I decided what ever it was, I could hold on for 5 more seconds! And having achieved the 5 seconds then I knew I could go the distance to 10, 15 or even the ultimate 20 seconds.
One of the examples where I put this into practice is when I ring my Husband, he usually says, “The phone only rang once!” I usually reply, “No it didn’t,” And to prove my point, whenever I rang Paul, I’d make sure it rang 10, 15, 20 rings, but even then, sometimes I’d get the same response.
I use the 5 second rule in my head at least once a week.
When I was younger, I was taught to pray in the mornings, so I did before I left the house, and we said grace before each meal, and to say a prayer before I got into bed. I still pray in the mornings and still say my grace, if I’m at home I say it quickly before I eat, if I’m out I’ll say it in my head. Then I noticed last year I was not praying before I got into bed, so I thought to myself, I can be thankful after I get into bed, it does not take me long to fall asleep, but I can be thankful for 5 things that takes seconds, or if someone is in dire need or has lost a loved one, they too can be included in the 5 prayer. So, starting with my thumb I say the first prayer, each prayer is 5 seconds, then my pointing finger for the 2nd prayer, middle finger for the 3rd prayer, ring finger for the 4th prayer and pinky finger for the 5th prayer, if there was a 6th then I’d include that too. I think 7 is the highest I’ve gone to but that was very rare, then soon after that I’d be fast asleep! If on the odd occasion, something serious has happened, then that One gets all 5 prayers all of the 25 seconds.
I have 2 favourite numbers 5 isn’t it, but I chose that number as it’s as good as any other number.
Paul Reid RIP.
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