We Three Kings Of Orient Are.................

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 689 reads
My name is Luke, I went out to the front of my home to have a cigarette and a coffee on the door step in the warm sun and noticed straight away, Grace’s car opposite had a flat tyre. A moment later Grace came outside to put items into her recycle bin, and we always say, “Hello,” Every time we see each other at the front. Grace said, her usual, “Hello” And I said, to her, “Do you know you have a flat tyre?” She said, “No, I didn’t know, I used my car late last night when I went to my brothers’ home.” Grace was still in her familiar baggy pyjamas and chunky, long dressing gown, came around the car and stood in the quiet, narrow road and said, “Oh yeah, it was OK last night.” She said, “Thank you for telling me.” I said, “No problem.”
My name is Mohammed, I was in the process of selling my little car, when I saw Luke who lives opposite us, talking to Grace is who my next door neighbour, I had overheard the conversation and left the sale of my car and went to look at Grace’s flat tyre; I said, to Grace, “I have a pump I will inflate your tyre for you, can I have you car keys as I will need to plug it into your cigarette lighter?” She said, “I’ll go get my keys.” A few seconds later she reappeared and said, “The car is in first gear, that’s what I was taught.” I said to Grace, “Where is your cigarette lighter?” For I could not see it in her large car.” She went into her car and slid the hidden compartment and there it was. I plug my pump in and she said, “Shout if you need me.” And she went back inside.
My name is Ali I am the other next-door neighbour of Grace and Paul, I’d come outside to see how the sale was going of my friend Mohammed’s car and saw him, pumping up Graces car, driver’s side front tyre. Mohammed showed me what had caused the flat tyre, it was a nail and it was still in it. I said to Mohammed, “I will take Grace to our Pakistani garage and they will be able to patch it up for her, for £10.” I went and knocked on Paul’s door, Grace came to the door, I asked, come and look at the tyre.” Mohammed said to Grace, “I have pumped up your tyre, it was caused by that nail, it will go down again, you will need to take it to a garage,” Grace said to Mohammed, “Thank you for your help, I will take it to my garage tomorrow,” I then said, “I can take you now to a Pakistani garage and they will be able to patch it up for you for £10,” She seemed to paused for a second and said, “OK, give me two minutes to get dressed,” And she went back inside the house. While Grace was inside getting ready, I rang the garage and asked, “Can I bring my neighbour now to have her tyre repaired?” Hamza replied, “Yes.” Seconds before I finished the phone call, Grace was back outside her house, dressed.
She again said to Mohammed, “Thank you for all your help,” And I said, “You follow me in my car,” Grace said, “Don’t go too fast or you might lose me.” I said, “I won’t.” I kept Grace in my rear-view mirror as I drove, I didn’t go fast, ten minutes later we arrived.
I stopped my car and motioned for Grace to drive into the garage on our left. I saw Hamza beckoned for her to move forward towards him into the small forecourt. I then stood outside her car with Hamza, Grace was still inside her car with the windows up.
I spoke quietly in my own language and I asked him, “How is your dear Wife?” For we all knew she had been very ill with a recent operation, Hamza replied, “She is much better thank you, she should be coming out of hospital this week.” I then said, “I’m pleased to hear your Wife is on the mend, may I ask you for a favour?” Hamza asked, “Yes of course,” I went on, “This is my neighbour, she has a nail in her tyre, I told her you would be able to patch it up for £10 like you did for me recently,” Hamza looked at the tyre and said to me, “We can’t repair that tyre, but she can have a second hand one for £20 or a new tyre for £45,” I said, “OK, thank you Brother,” I then motioned for Grace to join us.
I said to Grace, “He is unable to put a patch on your tyre, but he can put on a second hand one for £20 or a new one for £45,” Hamza interrupted me and said, “No, I said, “From £20, for this Customer’s car, it will be £25,” I had miss heard and Grace said to Hamza, “I only have £20 with me, as I was told it would be £10,” Hamza said, to Grace, “We will put on a second hand tyre for £20,” Grace said, “OK.” I said, to Hamza, as he was walking away, “This is my neighbour, please put on a VERY good tyre,” Hamza said, “I will,” And I added, “Please can you do it now, don’t let her wait?” Hamza said, “I will do it now.” I turned to Grace and said, in a low voice, “Are you ok getting back by yourself?” Grace replied, “Yes, I know where I am,” I then said, in an even lower voice, “Do not give him any more money than £20,” She said, “I won’t this is all I have,” I said, “Goodbye,” And Grace said, “Goodbye and thank you.” My work was done, I left with a sense of achievement. I respect my good neighbours. I was glad I was able to help with getting the job done, cheaply.
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What an interesting way of
What an interesting way of telling the story, Grace! Glad to hear everything got sorted out, and how lovely that you have such nice neighbours.
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