By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 339 reads
Recently there has been huge lottery winners. I have often wished that I had won the lottery the few times I have done it. I still think it would be better if no one was given more than a million each time, and instead make lots of other winner’s millionaires, instead of wasting it all on to one person.
There have been two winners who have almost won two hundred million pounds each, but surely it would have been better if two hundred people instead won a million each.
It got me thinking of what I would do if I was to win that amount of money. What could I buy and what could I never buy?
I would buy a house in Malta and live there for six months of the year. I would buy a vintage mini car, now that’s a proper mini, not the huge thing that some drive around in now, and think they are driving a mini. Then I would hire a taxi and once a week I would go to all of the TKMaxx shops in the United Kingdom, and buy leathers and linen. I would open up a shop in London and in the front, I would sell my one-off, Tie and Dye pieces and, in the back, there would be my workshop. I would of course pack my job in, and give some of the money to my work colleagues. I would give some money to my lovely Mummy and to my brothers and best friends. I would give some to my Church for the building fund and some to charity. I would also give some of the money to the local hospice, the ones near where I live and the famous one in the town that I grew up in. I would eat out once a month, but for the first year at least, I would still have fish n chips! I would have my hair done every two months, now I would be able to afford more expensive styles. I would give my Husband two million and our two kids a million each, Meghan would save it and spend it wisely and Daniel would spend it all, I’m gonna say within four to six months! I would remember the less fortunate and all those who have been kind to me, throughout my life. I wouldn’t plan on saving any of it, for in reality who could possible spend all that money? I would try and make a lot of people happy with it, most anonymously.
I would try and keep myself, busy for it would be easy to get bored the first year, once the car and house etc. had been bought. I would be happy. Good health can’t be bought, so I would need to be careful with my diet.
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This I find very funny!
This I find very funny! "There have been two winners who have almost won two hundred million pounds each, but surely it would have been better if two hundred people instead won a million each".
wonder what the tax implications would be...
A fool and his money are soon parted. And as we know we never have enough we always want more.
&& && Nolan
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