The adventures of guido, part 4
By grandaddy
- 1049 reads
Guido pulled up the rope and put it in Andreas' backpack, "right,
which way?"
"She is being held prisoner in the temple of croak."
"Where's that"
"I think it is that one." Said Andreas, pointing at a tall white tower
with a blue pointed roof. "Disney" exclaimed Guido. "What" asked
Andreas. "I don't know" answered Guido.
The pair worked their way round the battlements to the closest part to
the Temple, then they descended to the streets below. At this point
they donned their cloaks, which seemed to be in keeping with toad
fashion as a number cloak wearing toads walked down the street in front
of them. They walked up to the Temple doors and they were open. They
walked in as nonchalantly as they could.
Inside was a huge alter to Bonjela, the high exulted spawny one, a fews
toad lay prostrate in front of the effigy of Bonjela, they were all
gurning worshipfully and moaning chants. Andreas and Guido had heard
about such ceremonies before, they were the a thing of ridicule in
Twotiton, but this was astounding. Andreas pointed to a small door to
the left and the pair sidled over to it, Guido tried the door, it was
open. After a quick look round they ducked in and shut the door behind
them. They were at the bottom of what seemed to be a spiral staircase,
so they began to climb. Up, up and up they went, then up further,
occasionally they passed a window and outside they could see the late
afternoon approach. A trumpet sounded but the bustle of the street was
left far below.
Eventually the staircase came to a door, Andreas tried it, but it was
locked. This is why Andreas had brought Guido the long haired guinea
pig along. Guido rolled up the sleeves of his cloak and stepped back,
nearly forgetting he was on a staircase. Then he hunched down with his
furry shoulder braced he charged the door. The door buckled
immediately, Andreas punched the air with joy, Guido collapsed in pile
on top of the door.
Andreas looked in to the room and there she was, Pitiquita, she was the
Peruvian dwarf hamster of his dreams. Pitiquita looked startled but
then saw Andreas. "Andreas, my darling."
"Pitiquita!" exclaimed Andreas. The two hugged each other as Guido
stood feeling a bit like a spare part.
"You came!"
"Of course." Said Andreas, "come on, we have got to get out of here."
At that point Guido took off his backpack and from it took a very
strange mangle of objects.
"What's that." Asked Pitiquita.
"That is our flying machine." Answered Andreas
Eventually the contraption was built and the three harnessed together
slung underneath, it just fitted through the high window in Pitiquita's
room and they stood of the window ledge looking down.
"This has been tested, hasn't it?" asked Pitiquita. Guido looked at
Andreas and Andreas looked down at the tiny toad figures below.
"It will work. " He proclaimed, and with that Guido launched them into
the air. They glided away from the tower and high over the streets
below and Pitiquita screamed with delight, she had never been strapped
to a Long haired guinea pig and a mouse before or at least not while
suspended under a flying machine.
They flew with ease towards the battlements clearing them easily and
then they heard it, an alarm signal, below toads were pointing and
running around. The flying machine cleared the battlements and came
down on the ground a few hundred metres outside, behind them the toads
were rallying their forces, the hunt was on!
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