The UK's Leading Conceptual Artist

By hadley
- 1522 reads
Lepidoptera Disestablishment has - over the last few decades - become one of this country's leading conceptual artists. Her new exhibition at the prestigious Tipton East Scout Hut has become one of the Must-See shows of the year, if not of the new decade. Although lacking any official confirmation, following rumours of her nomination for the 2011 Turner prize, it has also been rumoured that not only will Disestablishment be showing several new works, but several of the major pieces from her career so far will also on display.
So, all in all, it will be a rare treat for the genuine conceptual art lover, and we can expect that the streets of Tipton will overflow with conceptual artists, critics and many, many, other lovers of high metropolitan fashionable artistry. Quite possibly a rare and a singular treat for this otherwise quiet backwater, only ever famous for being the home of the Pork Scratching. No doubt, the citizens of this town will be falling over themselves to give the traditional Black Country welcome usually reserved for hordes of effete and pretentious Southern softies.
So, for those that do survive the welcome from the locals, what can they expect once they have bribed the scouts to let them into the hut?
Well, in the words of Disestablishment's art dealer for the last seventeen years, Stigmata Clenches, quite a treat. "I remember waking up in Lepidoptera's studio one morning," he reminisced recently. "…and, after disentangling myself from my then boyfriend I just happened to glance up and there it was, right there, in the kitchen. I was amazed, shocked, awed, sexually aroused, amazed once more and shocked again."
Clenches is, of course, talking about Disestablishment's seminal piece - Fridge. A free-standing white metallic… well, one can only say 'box', where one of the sides opens to reveal a series of shelves on which Lepidoptera had precisely arranged several items of foodstuff, some wrapped in cling film, others unidentified in plain plastic boxes and other miscellaneous containers. What else could say so much about our modern 21st century urban lifestyles and the state of the world we live in, in both environmental and in geo-political terms? 'The most outspoken condemnation of neo-conservative American Neo-imperialism in the current art catalogues' gushed the 'Sunday Indifference' art-critic Formica Buttplug, when it was first shown at the Tate six years ago.
However, everyone is eager to witness her latest piece. Simply entitled Hanky, Lepidoptera herself explained in her most recent interview in 'Pretentious Git Magazine':
"I had a bit of a cold, and I… like… y'know… just… well… basically… sneezed. Luckily, for some reason I had a paper handkerchief nearby…." She smiled, blushing slightly. "Usually, I don't bother with such petit-bourgeois conventions," she added nervously. "Usually, I just wipe my snot on the nearest lackey or hanger-on, and they are so grateful for the privilege. But, well, let's just say I had this paper hanky, all right? No need to make such a big deal about it…huh?"
She drank deeply from her seventh bottle of vodka before continuing. "Anyway, I had a look afterwards, y'know? Yeah, I'm totally outrageous like that, I just don't care about your sterile, hypocritical, middle-class morality. And then I thought I could make some serious money… er… a serious point about the modern existential dilemma with this piece. Y'know, what was once on the inside, internal, private, is now on the outside, on display for the world to see. It just says so much about this celebrity culture we world famous artists have to endure in this day and age."
So, an exhibition not to be missed, even though it does take place far away from - the centre of the art universe - London, in the sort of place the metropolitan elite would not usually allow their live-in nannies to be seen dead in, let alone visit themselves. But such is the pulling-power of this hyper-important artist in this highly fashionable stage of her career, even such a - normally kiss of death - stunt such as holding her exhibition outside of the metropolis is unlikely to fall flat.
Book now - tickets are bound to disappear fast.
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stigmata clenches and
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highly creative and
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