Tales of the Unexpurgated

A collection of tales, historical stories and current affairs events.

Pottering About

Hopalong Gravelpath is – quite rightly – well known throughout these islands as one of the leading exponents of Premier Division Pottering About, and is all set to be the captain of the UK’s Oly

2012 Olympic Sports

As the 2012 London Olympic games draw ever closer, now is perhaps a good time to take a look at which athletes stand a good chance of winning gold for Britain.

A Day in the Life

Just another day

A Glamorous Career

Astrolabe Mamaripreponderance first shot to fame as a theoretical physicist and topless model in the late 1970s.

A Great Victorian Engineer And Inventor

Chainlink Foottreddle was one of the great Victorian engineers and inventors who first shot to fame as the inventor of the Hand-Cranked Wanking Engine. It was market as:

A Long Time Ago In A Chip Shop Far Away…

A long time ago, in a chip shop far away, a tall being, dressed from head to foot in rather cheap-looking plasticky body-armour and a long black cape, was ordering cod, chips and mushy peas.

A Sexual Peccadillo

Well, as most people know the great crested peccadillo was a large flightless bird (only slightly smaller than the average Welsh canteen manageress) which lived on the island of Feebletrouzers in the

A Workplace Romance

If we could just dance together like clerical assistants in the moonlight, before cuddling close under the star-filled sky to swap underwear requisition forms together as if we were teenagers once mor

After The Summer Of Love

Of course, with the inevitability of a turbo-charged stoat winning the Norwegian Small Furry Animal Grand Prix the Summer Of Love soon gave way to the Autumn of Custard.

All-Nude Chicken-Intriguing

Nasturtium Cheeseincident (1946 - 2009) began as a Chicken-Intriguer of the old school.

Alternative Energy Sources

As you well know, the theoretical critical mass to start a chain reaction in a fully-rice-and-treacle-primed weasel horde is 27,

An Actor’s Life

Spendapenny Pissedup is probably the 20th century’s most well-known heavy-drinking actor, famous for his 274 day drinking spree in Las Vegas back in 1978 when he drank three casinos dry, left Oliver

An Eminent Victorian Natural Philosopher

Eigenvector Plimsoll-Line was without doubt one of those influential Victorian natural philosophers who help create what we now know as science.

An Episode From The History Of British Pop Music

Elderberry Mudguard first hit the UK singles chart with her song: 'Reconcile My Cashbook Baby', now regarded as the first song in British pop music’s Accountancy boom.

Animal Rights Action

Earlier today a spokeswoman for PFFAR (People For Fluffiness Against Rationality), the 'animal rights' activists announced that overnight they had broken into Tewkesbury University and liberated over

Annual Rub Your Genitals In a Bowl Of Raspberry Jelly Day

This is – as you probably well know by now – 'Annual Rub Your Genitals In A Bowl Of Raspberry Jelly Day'.

Are You Ready To Rock ‘N’ Roll?

All Right kids! Are you ready to rock ‘n’ roll? In which case please: • fill out the appropriate release forms • make sure you are wearing a high visibility boogie-woogie jacket

Astronomy News

It was announced earlier today that astronomers at the Tipton Astronomical Institute have finally discovered what the famous 'dark matter' that makes up a large amount of the universe actually consist

Battle-ready Surveys

‘Fix your sheets to your clipboards, boys, and don’t start asking the questions until you can see the whites of their eyes!’ Thus were the famous words of General Gideon ‘Soggy Biscuit’ Rupe

Brussels Sprouts And Their Role In History

Now, it is common knowledge these days that Hitler's final great offensive in the last years of WWII was the Ardennes Offensive of 1944/45, also known as the battle of the Bulge.

Celebrity Accountancy On Ice

Munchkin Coinslot came to our TV screens from the hectic glamorous world of internal auditing in order to bring her much needed professional experience to the judging panel of ITV’s hit new Saturday

Celebrity Cheese Contemplation

It seems, these days that the wonderful world of 'Celebrity Cheese Contemplation' is once again making headlines.

Celebrity Extreme Gardening

Perusal Travelbrochure is now credited with bringing about the revival of what had seemingly become a moribund TV genre with her introduction to the early evening schedules of 'Celebrity Extreme Garde

Celebrity VAT Inspector

Last night Trickshot Weaselcheese, the daytime soap star, became the first ever winner of Celebrity VAT Inspector, C4’s new reality show.

Creation Myths Of The Modern Tribes – Part One

Of course, the familiar story of the creation given in the Bible is not the only creation myth in existence. Most, if not all, human societies, civilisations and tribes have their own creation myths.

Days of Exploration

Instance Banjoweasel became an official government experimental parachute testing operative at the age of 27, after failing in her attempt to be the first person to circumnavigate the globe on a steam

Death By Chat Show

Yesterday, Trite ‘Halfpenny’ Hatchback, the former Keeper of the Queen’s Weasels was found guilty of ‘keeping an unlicensed and un-lubricated weasel with intent to cause severe embarrassment a
Story of the week

Ode to a Stickleback and Romanticism

Trackback Pseudopod is – probably – the least well-known of all the Romantic poets, even though to his contemporaries, his 'Ode to a Stickleback' was one of the best known poems of the time, even

Spadgecock’s Patented Wildfowl Distractor

It was never that easy for a gentleman to find a suitable device for intriguing any waterfowl before the invention of Spadgecock’s Patented Wildfowl Distractor, back in the Mid-Victorian period.

UK TV’s Leading Survival Expert

Fluffybunny Roadkill is undoubtedly UK TV’s leading survival expert.

Shakespeare and Advertising

‘How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the Cornish pasties of this world! Fie on’t! O fie! ’tis an unweeded garden,’

2030: A Lingerie Odyssey

‘Oh, my god… it’s full of bras!’ Everyone recognises that quote from Stanley Housebrick’s film 20:30: A Lingerie Odyssey , which tells of the journey...

Trilobite Hatstand – Revolutionary Poet, Playwright And Arc-Welder

Trilobite Hatstand - the almost legendary poet, playwright and arc-welder - first met Aorta Mammary-Swelling at the gates of the world-famous Tipton shipyards.

Extreme Sports

Sopwith Coathanger became interested in extreme dangerous sports at quite a young age.

Romeo & Juliet – The Real First Folio Edition

We are all – of course – familiar with this first folio edition of Romeo and Juliet and how it differs significantly from the more usually performed edition.

Hernia von Volenipples - A Chronology

The Life and time of the legendary opera singer Hernia von Volenipples

Lamb casserole at Forty Fathoms

Of course, everyone must now know how Floodplain took the then moribund culinary world by storm with his 'Ratatouille in a Puddle'....

How The SAS Began

Many people have, no doubt, heard of the SAS.

Unbridled Politically-Motivated Poultry Taunting

Now it seems that the days of Unbridled Politically-Motivated Poultry Taunting are - at long last - coming to an end.

Louise, Naked in the Woods

Louise eased her hands back down inside my pants and smiled at me. "Are you sure it's all right to do this here?" she said. "Oh, yes," I answered as her hands began to move, slowly.

God Condemns 'So-Called Intelligent Design'

At a press conference called earlier today, a being claiming to be God severely criticised and denounced the cod-scientific movement known as Intelligent Design (ID), claiming 'it has absolutely nothi

Experimental Mishaps

These days, it takes only one small and insignificant explosion to run your weasel experiments.


Here it is, another day. Well, I must admit, we were all quite surprised. None of us expected it. For quite a while now all the old certainties have been collapsing - as you well know.

Stranger In Town

He was the son of an itinerant weasel defenistrator and he rode into town at high noon one spring day on a tandem built for one.

Worldwide Admire Your Own Genitals Day

Now, it just so happens that today is the day for doing stuff that there is no other special day for. Only yesterday, for example, was National Staring At Cheese Day.

Full-Frontal Accountancy

"Are those really your spatulas, uncle?" He nodded, slowly.

The Great Age Of Exploration

Esperanto Hepatitis is probably one of the most famous gentleman explorers of the Victorian era. It was an era of great explorers, of course, but few could match the exploits of Hepatitis.

The Tragic Death of the World's Greatest Film Actress

Despite the tragic accident than claimed her life at the relatively young age of 35, Spoon Llamagasket will - most likely - be regarded as the greatest film actress of our age.

Shopping Trolleys

Those days are long gone now when the mighty herds of shopping trolleys would sweep majestically across the wipe open plains of the unspoilt car parks of this land.

The First Computer

Entwhistle Mantelpiece was yet another eminent Victorian without whom a good many of the entries in this… this… whatever it is would not exist.

Siege Warfare

As the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle has it:

The Periodic Table

As most people are aware, the science we now know as chemistry grew out of what was once alchemy, a semi-mystical method of arsing about with various substances.

Small Woodland Creatures On Ice

Hard to credit it now, I know, but that first pilot of what became 'Small Woodland Creatures On Ice' did point the way to the future of television.

The Mathematics Of Cupboard Space

The accurate placement of the raspberry jam is vital if you wish to fully understand the complexities of modern mathematical theory.

When Cheese Attacks

But there is no reason whatsoever why one should not start a sentence with the word 'but'.

The Life-Cycle of The Shopping Trolley

As we all know, the shopping trolley has a symbiotic relationship with the goods on sale in a shop.

The Justice League Of Accountancy

Hollywood Historical Pictures is extremely proud to present the Latest band of superheroes in motion picture history: The Justice League Of Accountancy!

Holy Tax-Inspector Immersion Day

Now, as the spring at last begins to evade the winter’s frosty claws, we must get ready for Holy Tax-Inspector Immersion Day.

The World Cheese Arrangement Finals

There were tense moments last night in the dying minutes of the World Cheese Arrangement Finals in the new Wembley Stadium, when the reigning champions the Norwich Explicators were left in possession

The Doorhinge Badgerdangler Phenomenon

These days Doorhinge Badgerdangler is probably Britain's best-known celebrity Trilobite Fossil-Arrangement artist, certainly since the wild and heady days of Splurt Hackingcough, the leading Trilobite

The World’s Biggest Grossing Film Star

Pumpkin Dropincentre became the world’s biggest grossing film star, in the main, because of her first-ever staring role in the Hollywood blockbuster 'March of the Killer Death Sprouts', where she pl

Full-Frontal Teenage Lesbian Sex Orgy

'Full-Frontal Teenage Lesbian Sex Orgy' is the latest film by the renowned documentary filmmaker Spasmodic Weaselinversion.

People Staring At Walls

Slopout Puddleduck first became a so-called celebrity through the C4 ‘Reality’ programme, 'People Staring At Walls', where ordinary members of the public are filmed 24 hours a day sharing a house

The World's Greatest Rockstar

Anthrax Goatstrangler is - arguably - the most infamous and influential rock musician still alive on the planet today.

Philosophy And Waterfowl

Salmonella Transponder is often regarded as the first female philosopher to engage openly in Socratic dialogue with waterfowl.

The Diversity Outreach Co-Ordinator With No Name

It was a one horse town, out in the wilds of the country, the badlands far beyond the M25.

The Shopping Tiger and its Advantages

A shopping tiger is a very useful addition to your shopping expeditions and can often add a completely new dimension to the retail experience.

Doormat's Penultimate Theorem

Still the most outstanding problem currently left unresolved in mathematics must be Doormat's Penultimate Theorem.

I’m A Publicity Seeking Tosser, Bury Me Alive….

Although original achieving fame as a topless model and professor of Advanced mathematical Modelling at Nuneaton University, Perambulator Amplitude is these days perhaps better know as the co-host (al

The Lesser Great Spotted Night Hens

At the turn of the 20th Century there were less than seventeen Lesser Great Spotted Night Hens left in the whole of the UK.

Summoning The Plagues

We arranged the artichokes in the ancient mystical design.

Exclusive! Film Star Interview

Spotweld Badgerinversion first came to the public’s attention when he starred as the third corpse from the left in the opening scene from the Hollywood Historical Pictures adaptation of Jane Austen

The Legends Of The Shopping Mall

Our very chins are all aquiver with excitement this fair morning as we prepare to face the ordeal by supermarket with only the barest minimum on our holy shopping list to protect us from the beguiling

Major Scientific Breakthrough

Implication Venndiagram will probably go down in history (even if it is only as a footnote) as the person who truly discovered the full implications of the branch of modern physics known as Weasel The

I Can't Believe It's Not Cat Vomit

'I Can't Believe It's Not Cat Vomit' first appeared on our supermarket shelves only three years ago, but already an almost staple part of the 'cool' young British person's diet.

Protagonist Beetlelicker

Protagonist Beetlelicker was 'one of them'. But not a 'one of them' them. Although it was not unknown for 'one of them' to be 'one of them'.

The Quadratic Equations Of Summer

Surreptitious And The Obfuscators were, of course, the band of the moment that summer.

The Contrivances - A History (Part One)

I thought that today we would look at the almost interesting history of The Contrivances that is unless you can think of something more interesting. Part One - The Ancients

The Vibrant World of Car Park Design

These days Furrymouse Protondesign is a name familiar to almost everyone with even a passing interest in the vibrantly thrilling world of modern car park design.

It's An Outrage!

Do you - only too often - see news stories where people stridently claim 'It's an outrage!' about something you've never even noticed, let alone thought about before?

Sports 'Personality' of the Year

Eaglesprout Draingurgle, winner of the BBC Sports ‘Personality’ of the Year 2010, first decided to take up the sport of Standing-Around-In-A-Field-For-No-Discernable-Reason at the relatively young

The UK's Leading Conceptual Artist

Lepidoptera Disestablishment has - over the last few decades - become one of this country's leading conceptual artists.

Inspector of the Queen's Tandems

These days the post of Head Inspector of the Queen’s Tandems is mainly a symbolic role, that is since Her Majesty has forgone the use of the Crown Ceremonial Tandem since that infamous incident invo

The Fastest Jelly Baby Diversity Co-Ordinator In The West (Midlands)

Plectrum Bivalve once seemed destined for no great things until one day when she found herself working part-time as a jelly baby diversity co-ordinator in the darkest depths of the Tipton urban jungle

The Surplus Theory In Economics

One of the most contentious areas in the history of economics has been the theory of surplus toast.

Lingerie: Its Role In History

Dampcourse Electronvolt first came to prominence as the leading TV academic specialising in the history of ladies underwear, specifically its important role in some of the most significant periods and

The Greatest Conspiracy

For many people, quite possibly the most famous conspiracy in the world… ever, is the now infamous Stoat-Beguiling Incident that took place during the night of March 18th 1976 at Bridgnorth in the W

The English Cheese War

“It seemed the very cheeseboards of our souls were all atremble!” So said Plenitude Bosom-Frontage, back in the early days of what was to become the English Cheese War.

Digitalis Happenstance – An Obituary

Digitalis Happenstance was, until the tragic accident that claimed his life almost twenty-seven and a half minutes ago, this country’s leading cattle grid impersonator.

Polar Exploration

"We may – just – have enough cheese to avert the disaster of un-becheesed crackerness, but things do not look good.

Modern Sporting Stars

Underwire Treelicker has often been credited with bringing the sport of professional tea-drinking to a wider audience through her use of the sometimes-tricky over-arm teapot technique while pouring fr

The Most Pressing Problem In Contemporary Physics

One of the most pressing outstanding problems in modern-day physics, both at a theoretical and at a practical level, is what has become known as the Cheese Uncertainty Principle.

Mandatory End-of-Year Marmoset Nipple Inspection Time.

Now it just so happens that today is not quite the day for Mandatory End-of-Year Marmoset Nipple Inspection.

The Greatest Inventor Of This Age

Palmtree Doodlebug is probably best known these days for the invention of the all-weather knee hat; a device that has proved invaluable for those places where shorts are worn on a regular basis, to pr

The Greatest Prime Minister Great Britain Never Had

Fluffybum Haberdashery was - without the slightest doubt - the greatest Prime Minister Great Britain never had.


Balaclava Stropweasel is – surprisingly - nowadays not quite as well-known as his exploits in the SAS* during WWII merit.

One Of The Strangest Incidents Of The Last Decade

Napalm Cheeseguttering has now become famous mainly through one of the strangest incidents of the last decade, at a time when mere fame became the lot of anyone un-self-aware enough to enter, with an

Tools of the Secret Services: A Brief History

t is a little known fact that the teasmade was first used by British secret agents working undercover in hostile foreign countries.

Final Exams

Well, here we are again then. So, how are you on this splendid day? Have you brought along your Water Vole Perplexation Kit? No? Oh, dear.

The Son of God

Well.... You know what kids are like. All that idealistic nonsense he used to come out with; 'the meek will inherit the earth' and all that idealistic bollocks.

On The Choosing Of Headgear For Penguins

As you probably know the WWF has proclaimed that today is to be the first ever Worldwide "Donate A Hat To A Penguin Day". With the ever-worsening (they say)threat from global cooli... er...

Nature Watch

We sit, here - as still as possible - in a hide cunningly disguised as an ordinary car, parked here on the edge of a normal suburban supermarket car park.
Gold cherry

Tragic Death Of TV News Reporter

The BBC announced this morning, the death of TV news reporter, Pontificator Speculation in a tragic news reporting-related accident.

The Quest for the Fabled Lost Source of the Pork Scratching

So here we are: standing in the very place Peregrination Shoppingtrolley first stood almost two centuries ago when he discovered the fabled lost source of the pork scratching.

Legends Of Rock – Part One

Osteopath Chaingun* and the Psychodramatic Megastoats first hit the British singles chart back in the summer of 1975 with their first single: '(The Square Of The Sum Of The Other Two Sides Makes You)

Wielding a Dibber

‘Well, shuffle my lupins and call me Tarquin, never in all my life have I seen a woman who could wield a dibber like the young Azalea Flowerbed!’ Such were the words of veteran TV gardening progra

Raiders of the Lost Car Park

The engines are all on the blink again as the petrol run low once more.

Shropshire Smith and the Temple of Vegetables

Even though the Brussels sprouts in the vestibule should have been enough to warn us of the dangers that lay ahead, still we ventured on, deeper into the darkness, the unknown and the danger.

Full-Frontal Cookery

Tinkle Velocipede – undoubtedly – gained her all-too vital celebrity status in the UK when she combined the two – up to then - entirely separate genres of TV cookery programme and full-frontal n

The Summer of Vegetables

‘C’mon baby, get on down and pickle my cabbage’ with those words from the legendary number one single by Stan Dibber and the Allotment Lean-Tos, Britain’s Summer Of Vegetables began.

Working Times Directives and the Undead

Ah, but remember your precious tin of blessed golden syrup and/or Holy Water may not necessarily protect you against all the devils, demons, estate agents, lawyers and other unholy manifestations of e

The Aftermath

Sometimes there is only the distant keening of the howling things that stay hidden in the dark-shadowed places.

The man with the Golden Cheese Baguette

“Tremble, my little stock control assistant, tremble!

Some of the Naughtiest Daubings in the Erotic Arts

Despite being a deft exponent of full-length underarm weasel charming, Herbaceous Ptarmigan, is not as well-known to the general public as she ought...

The Golden Spoon Award

Sagebush Toadselector was not just any run-of-the-mill dessert impersonator. If fact, her strawberry jam tart and custard won the prestigious Golden...

The Greatest Explorer of Our Time

Undoubtedly, the UK’s leading contemporary explorer is Lord Traipser Meandering. Meandering and his team of fellow adventurers have explored some of...

The Day of the Pets

All over the place, people were being… well, people. Which, even if you’ve had only a modicum of experience of people, is enough for you to...

The Physics of Clothing Space

Plebiscite Umlaut is probably the world’s leading theoretical physicist in the rather specialised field of Theoretical Clothing Space. As we all know...

Pride and Penalty Shoot-Outs

Of course, Dandelion Waiftendrill first made her name on the lucrative women’s professional Mr Darcy Bothering circuit. A sport where some of the...

A Victorian Gentleman and the Steam Age

Surplice Dingleberry was the third and youngest son of the twelfth Lord Dingleberry, the renowned inventor of the steam-driven top hat dispenser. As was the tradition at the time, young Surplice was destined for a life in the church. However, he was – like his father – fascinated by the wonders of Victorian engineering and the possibilities inherent in steam power.

The Sexiest Elbows I'd Ever Seen

When we first met she was Emeritus Professor of Post-Colonial Marmalade at the University of Ffestiniog, and she had the sexiest elbows I had ever seen. We met at the Annual Ffestiniog Tapioca-Ignoring Convention, back in the late summer of ‘83. At the time neither of us had a Tapioca-Ignoring partner, so naturally – once we found our handicaps were compatible – we teamed up for that autumn’s preliminary Tapioca-Ignoring Cup rounds. Of course, with both of us being amateurs, we never expected to get to the finals.
Gold cherry

The Sensual Kitchen

Of course, Rupertina Dumplings was one of the first in the country to try it. She has since her early days as a TV chef always had a keen interest in the erotic possibilities inherent in the everyday world. For instance, Dumplings was the first to take the erotic possibilities of the egg-whisk seriously. This, long before any other celebrity TV chef used one. Even before celebrity TV chef, Dollop Servingsuggestion, used one to whip up a kitchen maid into a state of sensual awareness in the vicinity of a lemon meringue.

Hollywood's Current Leading Star

Slingback Chaingun is probably still Hollywood's most famous leading slab of acting muscle, despite rapidly approaching his 85th birthday, or as his publicist insists, nearing 45. Still with a full head of jet-black hair, the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime crossed with a mountain gorilla. He is also – allegedly – well-endowed enough to make a stallion feel inadequate. Chaingun is rapidly approaching his 65th year in the movie industry.

Britain's New Poet laureate

Stanza Synecdoche first came to prominence in the UK’s vital contemporary poetry scene with her Lines on a Shopping List . A three-page, 27 stanza...

A Knight of the Realm

Hopalite Trebuchet was probably one of the greatest Knights in English history. He was more famous in his day that Robin Hood, Richard the Lionheart, Doris the Bold and Sir Steve the Bastard put together.

A Notorious Historical Dandy

Splendiferous Haberdashery was uncountably the 18th Century’s finest dandy. Famed for having a different bespoke handkerchief for every hour of the...

Britain's Sports Personality of the Year

It was announced earlier today that the celebrity philosopher, Pensive Dropgoal, is to be the new Professor of Hot Beverage Studies at the University of Evesham. Of course, these days philosophy is a glamorous and highly paid profession. Devoted crowds of fans turn out in their hundreds of thousands, filling stadiums throughout the world, to watch their favourite philosophy teams take on each other in live debate.

A British Computing Pioneer

Register ‘Reg’ Benchmark is probably the UK’s foremost computer engineer from the early post-war period of British computing history. It was a time when computers were emerging from the secrecy of their vital war work. Of course, back in those days, it was difficult to see – in time – how important and essential computers would become, with one expert stating he could see the UK needing at most three computers. However, that was before Benchmark arrived on the scene.

Wildlife Sanctuary

Even so, it was not quite what was expected. Even the gazelle was more than a little put out and the giraffe went off for a sulk. The herd of zebras grazing in the conservatory were, the wife said, not their usual selves either. There was definitely something amiss in the whole house. Even the annual wildebeest migration from the front bedroom down to the kitchen and out across the lawn to their summer grazing area slightly north-east of the patio was far more restrained than usual.

A Revolution In Competitive Cycling

Velodrome Creamcheese is probably the UK’s leading long-distance cyclist. Many sports commentators and travel journalists put this down to her innovative use of the Cheap Day-Return Rail ticket in her races. Many sports experts also say that it is the use of such tactics, up to and including the short haul domestic flights she used last year, that enabled her to win the Trans-USA cycle race. All of which has allowed Creamcheese to stay at the top of competitive cycling while at the same time eschewing the use of illegal drugs.

Celebrity Nude Selfie Dancing Bake-off On Ice

In the end, it became inevitable. First was increasing domination of the TV schedules by celebrity versions of popular talent shows masquerading as cooking programmes. All coupled with the desire to watch celebrities making arses of themselves on the dance floor and on ice. This combined with the growing interest in those same celebrities in a state of undress found in their allegedly private selfies, led to a spark igniting in some Programme Concept Engineer’s momentary lapse from self-aggrandisement.