Face Book Rant
By Hal 9000
- 633 reads
Speaking to a friend a while ago,
he explained that he was due to get married
and invited me to the wedding.
A couple of months past, and the wedding drew closer.
The day arrived and I turned up at the church.
But hold on I thought, where is everybody?
The church was shut for refurbishment!
I rang another guest and he explained that the church had had to be changed at the last minute due to a flood.
When I asked why no one had told me, he found it difficult to hide his confusion; apparently, it had been put on Face Book!
Now, sorry for being completely stupid here, but I don’t go on Face Book and never have! So how was I supposed to know?
The laughable thing is that I bumped into the groom just before the wedding, and although he said that he was excited about the forth
coming celebration, he obviously didn’t think speech a form of communication worthy for such an important piece of information!
I didn’t bother to go to the wedding; lucky escape I think, and I haven’t seen any of them since.
The overall part of this ridiculous tale for me, is the assumption that you are supposed to be on Face Book, or some other social networking site, and if you’re not then there must be something wrong with you.
I personally can’t actually abide the idea of putting myself on show for all to see, and why would anybody?
I’m sorry, and I know that I’m probably going to put a few noses out of joint here, but I just can’t help but think that anyone who feels inclined to advertise them self in this fashion must be quite insecure; why do you need to know if strangers like you?
Another thing is that Face Book people talk in numbers of friends;
“I have fifty friends!”, “I have five hundred friends!”
Well sorry to burst your bubbles… but you don’t!
I know a couple who leave messages for each other on there…
They live in the same bloody house!!!
Lastly, what’s with the photo poses that these people use?
Does everyone think that they’re a glamour model now!
A friend of mine has a photo of himself on his Face book page that’s at least ten years old! Beer belly no where to be seen!
So that’s the end of my rant, and I am sorry if I upset anyone but this is my opinion, and if you don’t like it…
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