By hilary west
- 568 reads
( The Patio)
(Betty and Jasper Kesteven are having a brandy or two at the table)
Betty : The sun’s weak, Jasper, isn’t it, compared to abroad? I don’t know why we live here. The world could be our oyster.
Jasper : It’s too late now, Betty, besides we’re better off here with the property we’ve got rented out. Sell that and we’ve got far less income.
Betty : I suppose so. It’s just Turkey was so sunny. I felt really alive there, Jasper, under a mediterranean sun.
Jasper : You can be alive here, Betty. I’m collecting the rent from Primrose Terrace today – that should be enough to warm the cockles of your heart.
Betty : You know that old man Reggie that lives there, Jasper, I promised him a woollen blanket. Can you take it with you? I wouldn’t like to think they weren’t warm enough.
Jasper : Yes, Betty, I’ll take it. You are all heart.
Betty : You know me, Jasper, a fool to myself. I’ve sorted out some other things from the spare room too that can possibly be used in the rooms. I’ll show you later.
Jasper : Do you know, Betty, I believe we are the only thing between these men and destitution.
Betty : Yes, Jasper, it breaks my heart. Perhaps you could drop me off at the beauticians on your way to Primrose Terrace, I want to have a full facial after sunning myself for the past two weeks. After all I don’t want to end up a dried-up old prune.
Jasper : No chance of that, Betty. Your skin is like that of sun-kissed melons; the dew drips fom your body like raindrops off flowers in the field.
Betty : Yes, Jasper, don’t overdo it or I’ll think you’re not genuine.
Jasper : Me, Betty, I mean every word. You are the most precious jewel in the treasure chest of my life.
Betty : Another brandy, Jasper?
Jasper : I won’t mind if I do.
Betty : I haven’t seen Hermione today, have you Jasper?
Jasper : No.
Betty : I’m worried about her. I think she may be casting around for a relationship. Quite honestly I don’t think that she’ll find anyone worthwhile near to home. Justin is too young for her while Ewan has had a whole string of girlfriends to his name.
Jasper : She must know Ewan is a will-o’-the-wisp and a philanderer.
Betty : Presumably. I think she’s past caring. I think she just sees something and wants it no matter what the cost.
Jasper : Do you think she’s seen his girlfriends?
Betty : She must have done. We have.
Jasper : Maybe we should say something.
Betty : I don’t know how we can without sounding controlling. She’s a grown woman and if she makes a mistake it’s her own fault. We more or less warned her off last night.
Jasper : Yes, if she’s got any sense she’ll know we’re not too keen on Ewan.
Betty : We didn’t make it plain enough, I don’t think, Jasper.
Jasper : We can’t interfere too much, besides I don’t think anything has happened yet.
Betty : No, but I’m not happy, Jasper. I’m not happy with the set up at all.
(Hermione’s Lounge)
(There is a knock at the door. Hermione opens the door)
Hermione : Oh I’m glad you could come. You’ve brought Justin, Ewan.
Ewan : Yes, you said to.
Hermione : Yes, I thought it would be nice if we could get to know each other a little better.
Justin : Have you had a nice holiday?
Hermione : Yes, fabulous thanks, Justin.
Justin : You’ve got a fantastic tan.
Ewan : And I’m a tanfastic fan.
Hermione : Oh, Ewan, you know how to flatter a girl. Flattery will get you everywhere. I’ve spent ages trying to get my make-up right.
Ewan : You look fabulous.
Justin : Yes, fabulous.
Hermione : I’m having a drink of wine. Does anybody want one?
Ewan : Yes, we’ll have one, won’t we, Justin?
Justin : Yes thanks.
(Hermione pours out the glasses of wine)
Hermione : When I was in Turkey there was a waiter who used to follow me around everywhere. Mum and dad didn’t really approve. I don’t know why. He was ever so good-looking but not really my type. I go more for the mature man – somebody who knows what he wants from life and is prepared to go out and get it. The waiter was just a boy. No offense, Justin, but I think you know what I mean.
Justin : Yes, I don’t know anything about girls.
Ewan : That’s not true, Justin. You know that girl from the university very well.
Justin : Amanda?
Ewan : Yes. Bring her over and we’ll all have a get together.
Justin : She’s busy. I don’t think she’ll have time.
Hermione : Don’t push him, Ewan. Justin will find his feet soon enough.
Ewan : I remember being that young. I wish I could do it all over again. There’s nothing like youth to get the pulse racing.
Hermione : So you’ve slowed up a bit then, Ewan?
Ewan : Oh no, I wasn’t suggesting that. In fact I’m as ready now and as willing as I’ve ever been.
Hermione : I’ve noticed that you’ve had a few girlfriends pass through here, Ewan.
Ewan : Oh no, not really. They’re just acquaintances, Hermione – nothing serious. I’m looking more for a romantic serious kind of girl. Someone a bit older with her head on her shoulders.
Hermione : I was considered serious at school you know, Ewan. I got seven O’ levels.
Ewan : Did you?
Hermione : Yes, I’m a great lover of flowers and chocolates too.
Ewan : Most girls are, Hermione.
Hermione : I’m sure you don’t want to know about me; what about you boys, what do you like doing?
Ewan : Well Justin is the intellectual as you’ve probably gathered and I’m more well............... (pause)
Justin : He’s more the university of life. I think that’s what you are wanting to say, eh, Ewan?
Ewan : Yes, that’s it.
Hermione : The good friends eh, each knowing the other?
Ewan : Yes.
Justin : Yes, we get on in spite of our differences.
Hermione : I can’t get on with other women. I prefer to have a man as a friend. Since I’ve divorced my life has been relatively empty. You might say if I get on so well with men why the divorce. Well, all good things come to an end. In the end he became too jealous. He wouldn’t let another man as much as look at me. I had to leave – it was becoming stifling and claustrophobic. The friendship was gone and the love was replaced with obsession.
Ewan : It sounds unnatural, Hermione.
Hermione : It was. Have you been in love, Ewan?
Ewan : Yes, I have. A woman broke my heart.
Hermione : Only one woman?
Ewan : Only one woman. I’m not a philanderer, Hermione. If I give myself to a woman it is a singular affection. Bronwen and I were happy for a while then without warning she just upped sticks and left.
Hermione : There must have been a reason.
Ewan : If there was she didn’t tell me it.
Hermione : Looks like we are two broken hearts, Ewan. There’s only Justin hasn’t been transmogrified by love.
Justin : I can’t believe you’ve become either grotesque or strange, Hermione – Ewan maybe.
Ewan : Watch it, Justin.
Justin : Only joking.
Hermione : Life can be very cruel. I’m looking for happiness like everybody else I suppose. I’ve reached thirty-five and in a way I’m adrift with nothing to show for my years.
Ewan : I could say the same thing, Hermione.
Hermione : I think it’s different for men. Women stop attracting men at a certain age. Though I don’t think I’ve come to that particular age yet myself. At work I’ve got several people interested. The supervisor is always telling me men notice me. She keeps me on the perfume counter because she thinks I’m good with men buying for their wives or girlfriends.
Ewan : Is it an interesting job then, Hermione?
Hermione : Yes, I love it.
Justin : It must be nice doing what you like doing. I’m lucky in that way too.
Hermione : Art and Architecture, isn’t it, Justin?
Justin : Yes.
Hermione : Mum was telling me about your studies: a bit highbrow for me.
Ewan : Me too, Hermione. This studying is all very well but there’s nothing like actually doing something with your hands. When will you build a Greek temple, Justin? Never.
Justin : No, I suppose we don’t experience our subject in that way.
Ewan : Exactly. Everything you do is second-hand, not just the books you buy.
Justin : I don’t think you approve of me, do you, Ewan?
Ewan : I’ve never seen a callous on your hands like you’ll seeon mine most days of the week.
Justin : No, it’s cerebral.
Hermione : Don’t take any notice of him, Justin. He doesn’t understand the student like I do, even though I didn’t do much myself.
Justin : Thanks, Hermione, all I know is I enjoy it.
Ewan : Just as well, I doubt it will get you a job in the real world. I’d rather enjoy a night out or a slap up meal.
Hermione : I’ve enjoyed having you two up here for an evening. We’ll have to do it again sometime.
Ewan : Yes, sure thing. You know where we live if you want us.
Justin : Goodnight, Hermione.
Hermione : Goodnight boys.
(Justin and Ewan leave the lounge)
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