The Glass Dome

By hilary west
- 1288 reads
The many-paned Glass Dome shone and sparkled in the sunlight. Summer rain had brushed the glass, just recently, but now rainbows flashed through the sunlight on the crystal clear panes. How many loves had started here beneath the dome? How many romances ended? Too many to recount. It was a special place for lovers - it always had been. There was a small orchestra, beautiful lush planting and wickerwork tables and chairs, crowding the floor. Tea would be served at four o' clock, or, as it stayed open late into the night, you could enjoy a five course dinner by candlelight, with the moon sending shafts of yellow light through the dome.
* * *
Mark and Elaine had just started to come to the Glass Dome, but they knew they would soon become regulars. They had met one evening, when, turning up alone, they had both hoped for romance. Mark had a failed marriage behind him: he had never quite lived up to his wife's expectations, and now, one year after the divorce, he had met Elaine.
Elaine was thirty-five, but no man had ever proposed to her. Not a bad-looking woman, she had always been too busy working at her job as college lecturer at the local further education college. She taught Portuguese. She'd had many holidays in Portugal, but never had a holiday romance. Mark had been so bold, she thought. He had swept her off her feet. She'd come to the Glass Dome on a whim, wanting a new experience, some sense of adventure her life had been lacking. Mark talked of his problems, how he'd never really been happy, and somehow they just clicked. Tonight they were under the stars again, sipping cocktails by moonlight.
* * *
"I love this place, Mark", said Elaine.
"Yes, it is beautiful. You have a wonderful view over the town from here."
"I'd like to be here forever, Mark, just on a beautiful night like tonight, under the stars and so happy."
"The Glass Dome is as beautiful as you are, Elaine. It's our special place."
It was a wonderful summer, even the weather was good, with hot sunny days punctuated by warm, rainy days. As the summer passed, Mark and Elaine fell ever more in love, with many nights spent beneath the special Glass Dome. Elaine was becoming increasingly frustrated in her job however, and the break in the summer from college lecturing was very welcome to her. Before she had met Mark, she had thought about leaving the college, looking for something more challenging. The first year classes in beginner's Portuguese left her tired and intellectually unsatisfied. There must be more to life than this, she thought, and then she had met Mark. It had been a new impetus to her. There was more to existence than drumming Portuguese verbs into English tourists. Mark had been besotted. Elaine was so interested in anything and everything he said. He had never known this before, and all the time their secret love trysts had the magic of the Glass Dome to make them complete.
* * *
Tonight was to be special. Mark had bought a ring. He didn't know if he was being a bit too hasty, but he would find out. At work he had just got a big promotion. He was now Area Manager for his company. It seemed the perfect time to get married again.
"I've got something to say," said Mark, on seeing Elaine.
"Oh, what's that?"
"It's about us, our future."
Elaine felt he might be going just a little too fast, but said nothing, until she became impatient.
"Spit it out then, Mark."
"Let's order first," he said.
"Okay, I'll have the beef bourgignon."
"Me too."
The orchestra played so sweetly, and in the sky overhead a constellation glittered brightly - its diamond bright stars forming the curling river, or Eridanus. Elaine was captivated by the beauty of it all, but slightly nervous too, what did Mark want to say: they had only been dating for two months.
"Will you marry me?"
"Oh, Mark this is so sudden. I don't know what to say. You have caught me off my guard."
Elaine did not want to give a spur of the moment answer. It was all too much of a shock. Inside, her mind was doing somersaults - what can I say to Mark so he is not offended. She really did not know which way to turn, so rather coyly said, "If you'll only give me time." Mark looked slightly glum. He had been wanting something more positive obviously. As they left the Glass Dome and made for Mark's car, it started to rain. The beds of summer flowers outside the restaurant looked refreshed and bright even at this time of night. Their pinks and reds and yellows lifted Elaine's spirits, but inside she felt guilty, guilty because she had entered into something she now felt she could not continue with. Part of it was to do with her job. Several months ago, she had applied for a job abroad. Soon, she knew, she should hear from them.
* * *
Elaine did not have to wait long for an answer to her job application. The next morning there was a letter on her mat. It had a foreign stamp on it: she knew it was from Brazil straightaway. Elaine, with her taste for adventure longed for experiences abroad. It was this same taste for adventure that had taken her to the Glass Dome one night last June.Inside, she secretly hoped she had been turned down for the post at the International Language School in Rio de Janeiro. She gingerly opened the letter. It was written in Portuguese, but she quickly assimilated its contents. She had got the job. Her time with Mark had been special. She had loved every appearance they had made at the Glass Dome. Now she must tell him. At heart she was a career woman. This was such a fantastic opportunity. How could she miss it. She thought she had been in love, but love conquers everything, even job offers from Brazil. She could not take Mark with her: he had just been promoted here in England. Maybe she had not really loved Mark at all.
* * *
Tonight, she was due to go to the Glass Dome again. She would just have to tell him. She must not be weak. A strong woman is a career woman - it is a career that comes first - surely Mark will understand.
* * *
The Glass Dome was as it always was - calm and peaceful, with its lovely waterfall cascading into a pool of delight: the most special place for lovers. Mark had brought roses, and red are the roses for true love. As well as the engagement ring he had now bought a necklace to match - beautiful sparkling diamonds that could outshine the stars of Eridanus themselves, but maybe it was the starlight of Eridanus that shone on Elaine, as she looked deep into Mark's blue eyes - he is gorgeous.
"So Mark I have bad news."
"Well it can wait."
Elaine was beside herself. he won't let me get on with it. I must go to Brazil, to further my career.
"So, Elaine, what have you got to tell me ?"
Elaine pressed a single red rose to her breast, "I think it's the Glass Dome", she blurted out, "Yes, yes, yes. I will marry you. I am a fool in love." And her fate was sealed before she knew what she was saying.
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