The Girl With The Golden Hair
By Hope123
- 601 reads
It was a beautiful dark night. The wind blew through my shoulder length black hair as I stood at the top of the waterfall, balancing perfectly on a rock, looking down at the river and the small town I had grown up in.
The only way up here was to climb or from the other direction through the large and dark forest, so I was always alone up here.
I had always loved climbing. Not with gear, only with my hands and feet. It made me fell free, happy and alive. It was worth the risk of falling.
It always used to worry people, when I got upset I would climb high things so no one could find me and stay there until I had sorted myself out.
The waterfall was my favourite spot, it was so perfect, so peaceful and standing here on this rock I felt as if I could just fly away into the distance, leaving all my troubles behind.
The air was always so fresh, the scent of town's fruit trees' blossom making it sweet and calming.
The water rushed passed me and the rock, falling far, far below. Sometimes the cold water would reach my feet and the coldness would seep into my old worn shoes.
I had never really had friends to play with so I had become good at being alone and I kind of liked it like that. Other people didn't seem to understand me, but that was fine by me... I never really understood them.
They spent their lives doing what was expected of them, while me, with knife in pocket and water-skin at belt preferred to wander the country.
My mother would frown and my father would sigh, but they understood that I needed to do what I needed to do.
One day soon, I wanted to leave this small place and visit somewhere new, discover undiscovered things, adventure.
But for now all I could do was, dream and wait.
I smiled and thought of my sister's face when she saw me practising with grandfather's old sword, swinging it in the style he had shown me, taking step by step, swing by swing.
So much wonder awaited me.
I slowly lifted one leg off the rock, wobbling slightly before regaining enough balance, I looked down at my body, the growing body of a young man, I was muscular from all the climbing and was proud.
But I just didn't feel ready to go yet, was I scared? It didn't feel like fear. It was a small pain in my heart, telling me that I would miss here so much and I knew I would but if I stayed because of a reason like that, I would never get anywhere and then I would regret it until the day I die.
Just a bit longer, I told myself and smiled up at the starry sky.
I sat down on the rock, took off my shoes and plunged my feet into the water, jumping at the coldness and then continued to dream.
Until finally I left the beautiful waterfall and started to go home. I jumped from stone to stone out of the river and then went back to the place I had climbed up.
I was about to climb down when I turned back and noticed a figure standing by the wood a little way away. A girl.
She was watching me with an emotionless face. Her long golden hair flowing in the wind, her pearl white dress too perfect to be touched, her skin was as pale as the moon. She had bare feet, the long grass tangled between her toes. The strangest thing of all was that her ears were perfectly pointed at the tips.
I stood gaping, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I slowly lifted my hand and waved.
She didn't wave back, her face became sad and lost. She then slowly turned around and stepped into the shadow of the wood, disappearing from sight.
I needed to find her. I needed to find out what was wrong, why she looked so sad.
I started off walking towards where she had been, slowly speeding up to a run.
I needed to find the girl with the golden hair.
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