The Nutty Detective VI - the Moriarty Complex - A Craven Danger Mystery
By hudsonmoon
- 447 reads
Meanwhile, at the asylum. . .
“As I see it,” said Holmes. “All I need do is wiggle my way down the drainpipe and freedom is mine for the taking!”
“But we’re twenty stories above ground, Holmes,” said his room mate. “And it’s raining swords and daggers at the moment. You’ll no doubt drown before you ever touch ground.”
“Quite right, Watson. Perhaps you should lead the way and give me a shout upon your arrival. If I hear nothing from you, I shall resort to plan B and pray God speed on your dearly departed soul. Rest in peace, my dear boy.”
“Thank you, no!” said the room mate. “I say we put our like minds together and come up with an intelligent solution to our current predicament.”
“Grand idea, indeed, Watson!” said Holmes. “And should it prove a success in our favor, a pint of your favorite ale awaits you at the end of our mission!”
“How many times must I tell you, Holmes? The name is Dodgson. Charles Dodgson.”
“What a stroke of luck that I should bump into you here then, my dear Dodgson. If anyone can get us out of this rabbit hole it is you, sir.”
“Oh, you’re familiar with my work then, Holmes. I am chuffed, indeed, sir!”
“I certainly am, Dodgson. I love that rascally rabbit of yours. And that delirious hatter is a treasure! Splendid work, my dear friend.”
“Mad Hatter, if you please, Holmes,” said Dodgson. “I’m a stickler for keeping things in order, you know.”
“And well you should be! Why, a mathematician of your caliber needs order! You’d have made a fine consulting detective, sir!”
“Quite a compliment coming from you, Holmes.”
“Hold that lovely thought for a moment, Dodgson. I believe there is someone at the door.”
“Mr. Holmes, sir,” said the day nurse. “The asylum bus is here.”
“Mrs. Hudson,” said Holmes. “I have made no such arrangements. Please be so kind as to send it away and bring us our usual breakfast fare. We’ve had a strenuous meeting of the minds this morning and are quite famished!”
“It’s the asylum that’s made the arrangement, Mr. Holmes,” said the nurse. “You get to leave the facilities each Friday for an outing in the city. This particular Friday you and your room mate will be joining a few of the other patients for some recreational activity at the local bowling alley.”
“Brilliant, Mrs. Hudson! We’ll be ready in a jiffy! Dodgson, my boy, a grand solution has found its way into our very bed chamber! Mrs. Hudson, I could kiss you! Speaking of solutions, Dodgson. Pray tell, have you seen my needle?”
“Never mind, Dodgson! I seem to be having quite the adrenaline rush at the moment. That should be enough to get me through to the end of this day! Come, Dodgson! To the bus! Adventures await us! Moriarty, you rascal! I shall have you!”
“I can’t believe none of you slugs had change for the bus,” said Craven. “I’m soaked to the bone!”
“Oh, for Pete’s sake, Mr. Danger,” said Betty. “Please, stop with the whining. This is your perfect chance to show what it takes ta lead an army into battle. Ta show a little spunk when yer insides are screamin’ ‘run home ta Momma!’. Ta give that backbone a yours a little exercise. I mean, don’t ya ever let that thing out for some air?”
“I think I had enough of the elements for one day, Betty. And my backbone is fine just where it is. Right behind me where it can’t get into any trouble. Now, Betty, since you’re taller. You lead the way. If them pretend Victorian era runts at the bowlin’ alley see me comin’, they’ll run the other way.”
“Will someone wake him up,” said Betty. “He’s havin’ one a his Walter Mitty dreams again.”
“Yeah, mate,” said Joe. “Like me ma always said, “When ya get done dreamin’ it, get busy doin’ it.”
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