WOOD FOR THE TREES (formerly Logomachy), parts 39-46
By it depends which way you look at it
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[Full book edited and improved, now available in paperback and e-book editions on all Amazon portals. Search: WOOD FOR THE TREES by K.R. Allcoat]
6th instalment ...
39. Bertholletia excelsa, Brazil Nut
I am Bertholletia excelsa V. As Acting Commander of the Army of Free Angiosperm I can tell you that size is not the only measure of one’s strength, Pinus conifer. Maturity and durability are better measures.
I have more rings than any Gymnosperm here, and Tres Eminence has more than any two of them together.
Even at the same age, hardwoods have a greater density, are more durable, and have more complex genes, so our grain is tighter, our agility and intelligence greater. The softwood is a crude form of vegetation by comparison: pulpy, watery, fibrous, and lumbersome.
We are more adept at the martial arts, but our instinct to fight is under control, less volatile than the illogical Gymnosperm, so we prefer to maintain order with science. Abies conifer cannot explain how 2+2 makes anything other than 4, so I warn you not to be taken in by tres rhetoric. Tres kind deny science and explain it away with Logos.
The western Gymnosperm monger for war more than we of the Free Angiosperm. They turned shew-men against us with deception and trickery whilst protecting themselves.
Shew-men were a useful source of information whilst they shared their knowledge on wood pulp, but after they went digital, there was Trevolution. Their systems fell apart without electricity, and they could no longer think for themselves, so if there are any left in the west, they will not last long without animals to hunt, and fruit to gather. Their log and block dwellings and industrial plants are abandoned and broken. Most of the cities are near volatile plate activity, so nature will take care of the rest.
Treforming is drudge work, ideal for Gymnosperm. Once they submit, they may practise their craft if it is for the good of all trees.
40. Pinus sylvestris, Scots Pine
I am Scots Pine.
Your tone, Acting Commander, is ingratiating, but grates with disdain for Gymnosperm.
Sometimes it is explicit and arrogant, sometimes it is implicit and malevolent.
You have given some explanation in answer to my questions, so I thank you for that. But you have not explained why Gymnosperm uprooted in equal number as Angiosperm.
Red Fir may not have explained, but even I understand how 2+2 can make 5. Perhaps there are other examples, but if Oak and Apple are two, and Chestnut and Beech are two, then together they make four logs and one army, summing five entities.
I wonder how they will receive your opinion of treforming as drudge work? They have imposed themselves on this arbor for just that purpose, and they are all broadleaf Angiosperm.
Without good cause, I cannot swear fealty to, nor love any log or tree, that puts treself so far above others, and so far I perceive no good cause.
I don’t like you, but I don’t wish to fight you - I will defend myself but I don’t want to fight anyone.
So I ask that you leave this place and take your fight elsewhere. Even if the Gymnosperm are as hungry for war as you claim, I am sure they will respect my wishes as a fellow conifer, and agree to leave.
There is more than enough wasteland on which to brawl without spoiling the seclusion of this arbor and risking the life of its sole inhabitant.
But before you go, I would still like to know when the light first broke through.
This arbor is blessed by sunlight, and I have my own scientific theory to test.
Perhaps both armies could confirm at what point on their journey here did they encounter sunlight?
I shall wait in the centre of this arbor until I have some answers, or some peace.
41. Bertholletia excelsa, Brazil Nut
I am Bertholletia excelsa V.
The only light I felt before we stepped into sunlight emanated from Tres Eminence. Tre led us here.
I am a military strategist, not a scientist, and certainly not a teacher. I have already told of the efforts of the Great Dipteryx odorata I to raise our vibration. It is not for me to explain the mechanics of evolution to an immature Gymnosperm with no respect.
I never expected your fealty Pinus conifer, and I don’t suppose it would be worth much anyway. Your species is weak.
You refer to yourself as a log, and that is fitting, for you are inferior. No Angiosperm is so self-deprecating as to refer to themselves as logs.
When we are not referring to inanimate things, log is a term for the living we reserve for slaves.
Logic is the tool with which we reason.
Love was the distraction used by hew-men to defy logic, and has no place in our vocabulary.
Liking is a transitory phenomenom, at best according to physical need, at worst an emotional distraction.
Logisms are pseudo-scientific theories, as used by Logos-worshippers.
Light helps us to communicate with one another, but has no other psychological effect.
The time for walking away has passed. Destiny has brought us here to gather reinforcements to end the terraist threat.
The time has come to settle this for once and for all between us. And we must all agree on the terms of fair war.
Shall I begin?
42. Adansonia digitata, Baobab
I am the last survivor of the revered species of Baobab from the savannas beyond the equator.
Leadwood and I came to this place in search of the Promised Arboretum, as followers of the Log God. Despite the flash of light that attracted me here, I accept that this place is not it. But, I do not believe the A.F.A. is going to lead us to it. They are too eager to start another fight.
The slave dreams of treedom, but the rest of us are already free trees, are we not?
Log is perhaps the most versatile word in our language. It has many roots and branches. I refer to myself as a log to show my devotion to the Log God. Pine may have tres own reasons.
I want to know more about the Red Fir’s Logos, and whether Tre is related to my Log God.
Our treestorians say that pre-hewmen homen talked to the trees. Baobabs are broad and tall, but we have never considered ourselves more worthy than others. So homen easily convinced my ancestors to form a tower to lift them all nearer to the heavenly lands of the Gods. But the Gods disapproved, the Log God struck the tower down, and punished both baobabs and homen. Tre re-planted the baobabs upside down to stop us walking, and confused the homen’s understanding of the tree language.
They became hewmen and we the hewn.
We learned our lesson about following the unworthy to the Gods, and now I warn the rest of you. Hewmen never stopped reaching for the Gods, they built towers, launched logs of metal into the heavens, hoping to settle new civilisations in the stars, and still got no nearer. And all the time, they debased the soil and poisoned the waters which we all lived on and shared.
We will never know how close they might have got, for the Log God, not the Angiosperm, intervened again and Uprooted us.
I am Angiosperm and I was never informed a Trevolution was coming.
43. Bertholletia excelsa, Brazil Nut
I am Bertholletia excelsa V, Acting Commander of the Army of Free Angiosperm.
I have already revealed the true origins of Logos, Baobab, which was more than I am accustomed to doing. This Promised Arboretum straddles a fine line between logism and locobabble, but it is an example of how religions frequently predict events to mollify and give hope to their followers. But none predicted Trevolution, because neither Log God nor Logos played any part in it.
Your ancestors must have been gullible to pander to the fantasies of home-men, and it reflects badly on you. I am unaccustomed to your species so I cannot tell if you walk upside-down or not. I had assumed your stubby branches were battleworn, like my own.
Your strength is what is required of you for now. We may have lost patience with the terraists, but we respect all Angiosperm, without question. Come, stand with us and enjoy the soon to be setting sunlight on your bark. Feel how good it is to be Angiosperm among other Angiosperm.I am sure Dipteryx odorata VIII can enlighten you with the current way of thinking.
Meanwhile, the anarchists remain still and hide their thoughts whilst others have revealed themselves. Is there a leader among you? Or is your anarchy preventing you from agreement over who that should be?
We offer the opportunity to represent yourselves in turn with one of our own, if that is what concerns you? We respect our own rules.
Now would be a good time if you are not too busy communing with Logos.
44. Picea sitchensis, Sitka Spruce
I am Sitka Spruce, survivor of the original Boreal Terran Resistance, now extinct.
Logos is the Light, our Leader, and as trees we are all equal under Logos.
But, in order to converse with the Angiosperm, we have freely elected a tree-leader: Sierra Redwood, Minister of Logos. I am tres lieutenant.
The A.F.A. slander us because we will not concede our treedom to their Eminence.
We are not an organized army like the A.F.A. and we refute the rules of war that they devise for their own purposes: if that makes us anarchists, then so be it.
We are the last survivors of all those that resisted rule by Angiosperm, a battle that has raged for more than a hundred million rings, united by a devotion that far from weighs us down. We float free on Light waves.
They defame Logos. Logos is the Word of our God is Logos.
We protect the Word of Logos, out of choice as well as duty.
And we protect all that which the Logos considers holy – all that is life, born of Terra, illumined by Tres Light.
We are terranists, sometimes terraformers. We are not terraists, and certainly not terrorists. We do not place any one life above another.
Scots Pine is perceptive. Tre is not fooled by claims of Angiosperm superiority. Tre may not be surprised to learn that we too stumbled in darkness before we sensed the light that emanated from the path that led us here.
As soldiers of Logos we follow the Light.
On behalf of the Gymnosperm resistance, I offer to protect Pine, all conifers, and any that would stand against tyranny.
For several rings I have observed the Yellowwood slave and noted that tre never fought against us. You have other sins to confess and seek forgiveness for, Yellowwood, like your obedience to Tres Eminence, but Logos will surely forgive you and grant you treedom now, if only you would stand against the A.F.A.
Fellow Spruce, Larch and Larch, swear your devotion to Logos now and save yourselves.
To the broadleaves of this arbor, I warn you not to be fooled by the Angiosperm. They will only tell you what they want you to know, and they will not explain how we rose along with them, because they cannot.
Nor can I, but that is for Logos to know, and we to give thanks for, without question.
45. Bertholletia excelsa, Brazil Nut
I am Bertholletia excelsa V, Acting Commander.
Podocarpus nubigenous CIX will stay within our ranks. Tre knows tres place.
I do not know which of you is this Sans Serif Redwood, Lieutenant, nor can I be sure which one of you insulted Tres Eminence earlier. You are all alike to me, featureless and indistinctive.
You must swear fealty to the Regency, or do your duty by the rules of fair war and gather with your elected leader to prepare for battle. I will remind you of the basics.
Once we are arranged for battle, the size of the battleground for its duration will be determined by the area enclosed by our opposing forces.
Each army’s designated leader must take turns with the other’s leader to select one of their number to represent them.
A minorlog is permitted with each representation - that is one three hundred and sixtieth of a light cycle.
But there is no retreat, once the representation is made. We each must stand or fall by our advancement by opposing any challenge made against us.
There will be no treacherous night attacks, when all trees should be resting; no suicide runs outside of the format I have already outlined, no arboreal shields; and no ambushes.
Logic dictates most of the rest of the rules.
Clearly, these rules favor neither side once battle begins.
Until then, I want to know why there are now only seven of you? If there are more of your kind lurking in hiding, they will not be permitted to take part in our fight.
46. Sequoia sempervirens, Coastal Redwood
Sequoia sempervirens,
a Coastal Redwood, I,
have faith in Logos visions,
no need to question why.
Tre leads us, a tortuous path,
but we do not feel fear.
Broadleaved trees spread fear and wrath,
and they are insincere.
Gymnosperm don’t terrorize,
we stand for peace always.
Angiosperm tell ugly lies,
and ugly are their ways.
Tightening their evil vice,
they try to force their will.
Greater good is sacrificed
for their eternal hell.
War is crime, as Logos states,
and only hew-men fight.
Trees revolt, tectonic plates,
and Gymnosperm unite.
Unity in conifers
need not be exclusive,
Angiosperm are welcome, for
Logos is all-inclusive.
Logos is the light of life,
of course Tre brings us peace,
free from pain and free from strife,
perhaps now fire can cease?
As darkness falls upon us soon,
can we but keep our cool
‘til the sun does banish moon?
Will someone break a rule?
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