The BC Adventure 8

By jeand
- 1206 reads
November 20, 1920
Dear Mums, Daddy and Dorothy,
We had such a lovely day today. We were called on at Una and Dick's cottage by a collection of local people – to make us welcome. They of course didn't know that it is just after the first anniversary of Mark's father's death, so of course Bammie has been very low lately. Sometimes I think she forgets that others of us have lost family members too. She lost one son and one husband (due to his own wishes) and you lost three sons all within a month. But the neighbours coming over gave Bammie that needed boost as she wanted to be hospitable.
The elderly man who drove the car bringing the others with him is called Mr. Bullock, but apparently he is known as the Squire to the locals. He is not married, but is known for being a huge benefactor to everyone. He owns a huge house with 450 acres, and we will no doubt be invited to visit him there soon. He took in lots of orphan children over the years and raised them.
Then there was a lovely couple, Frank and Kathleen Scott, and their daughter Beryl. She was a whirl wind of information – telling us about all the local gatherings over the next month of so and making sure we knew we could go to any of it. She is very pretty girl, about 23 I suppose, so not that much younger than me, but she seemed very young. I could see that Eric Springford, who is the brother of Cecil Springford, who is another of our new neighbours, is quite smitten with her. But I doubt he will get very far, and she is not likely to settle for marrying a carpenter. But he and Mark got on like a house of fire – as he has always dreamed of going gold mining, and has already volunteered to go to the Cariboo with Mark as and when he goes.
Cecil and Joan Springfords are in their early 30's I would guess. a few years older than Eric, and they said they are in the process of building a new house, which will be ready to move into just after Christmas. They said they would be looking for tenants if we wanted to rent a few rooms off them. I really liked them. Joan whom everyone calls Joey is so friendly and I just know we will be good friends. But she is also a flirt, and I caught her teasing Mark about something. But he reassures me that he has eyes only for me. I have included a photo of the Springford brothers.
I must say that within a week of coming here, we have met more people and made more plans than we did in the previous six months. And friends are so important to all of us. There were no children amongst those who came to call on us, which disappointed Peter, but the Scotts said that their dog
has just had puppies, and if he likes, he can come and choose one as they are ready for weaning.
They live on quite a big farm apparently with pigs and sheep, a few horses and cows, and chickens. Beryl says her main jobs are taking the cream to the creamery each day, and getting the mail – which she sometimes does in a row boat and other times she goes by pony and cart, although they have a motor too. She listed her social life which included dances on a weekly basis, tennis in the summer (which interests Una) and badminton in the winter. Also hockey and skating on occasion, and then she gets involved in an art class, and is taking dancing lessons. I think I will try to talk Mark into going to that with me. And she says they have regular bridge parties, and that is something that Mark and I already know how to do.
So you can see that our lives here have taken a turn for the better, and I am not nearly so homesick as I was before. Not that I don't miss you all very much.
Much love from Gwenllian
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Interesiting description of
Interesiting description of their new life there beginning. Rhiannon
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I agree with Rhiannon, they
I agree with Rhiannon, they're leading such busy lives and met so many people.
Enjoyed reading and I'm glad I'm up to date.
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