Two weddings in Marple - 8 Plans Progress
By jeand
- 1027 reads
January 22
Hollins House
Things have settled down a bit, with all the invitations now out, and the basics of the planning almost done.
The girls each picked out several of their older dresses to donate to the clothing sale at All Saints Church next month, and I put in several of my own. I was surprised that the girls donated some of their loveliest frocks - one pink one and a blue one which I know they wore at the party in Manchester a few years ago, so I suppose they don't want to be seen in the same gowns, and they are a bit dated with the new styles having changed the shape of dresses quite considerably.
This will be a busy week. Jessie has to sing at a concert which will take place in Marple Bridge. Perhaps Mary can go with her, and save me having to accompany her. The girls are all very musical, and I must start getting organised for my big annual party.
I understand that Mr. Fred Cooper of West Towers will preside over the meeting. I did suggest to Thomas that we invite him and his family to the wedding, but he felt that he would rather not. I didn't go into details, but I suspect it is something to do with his drinking habits. Thomas takes his tea-total opinions very seriously and doesn't appreciate it when others make light of his views.
February 2
Hollins House
This has been a busy week for Thomas, outside of his normal work. The Wesleyan Band of Hope met at Wesleyan School rooms Monday last. Then he went with those from the Union rooms to a lecture followed by a visit to pottery Thursday at 8 p.m. It was organised by the YMCA. Mr. Hodginson, JP, presided and the speaker was, Rev.. Thos Hartley of Horsham, formerly of Marple. Thomas was pleased to see him again, although they had never been close friends.
Then I was very involved in a tea party at the Congregational Church at Marple as we are welcoming our new minister, Rev. Legg. Mr. Hodgkinson presided as he does in most of these events, being a JP. And the welcome speech was given by Rev. Morgan from Marple Bridge Congregational Church. I did have a brief meeting with Rev. Legg after the party was over, mentioning who I was, and telling that Mary's wedding would be coming up soon. I do hope that Thomas will not take offence with this new man, as he did with the old.
I read in the paper that the Prince of Wales is at Banff Castle this week. He does seem to spend a lot of time in Norfolk. I remember being in that area once before we were married, and we called in at Sandringham village. The newspaper article talked about the Prince arriving at Wolferton Station, which is on the Lynn and Hunstand railway, being the nearest station to Sandringham. I'll quote from it.
'Among those who stayed at Banff Castle were the Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VII who arrived at Banff station on his way to stay at Duff House. A building of carved stone and brick, with covered platform, was erected, as a waiting rooms for H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and family. He is lord of the manor and sole landowner.'
February 2
Poplar Square, off Church Lane
“Ma, look at what we got at the clothing club party. I think we will be well dressed for the wedding now. Have you ever seen such beautiful dresses?” said Martha.
“My goodness me, what a find. And will they fit you and little Fanny?”
“I think so, or if not, we can let out the seams a bit. We bought a dress for you too - because it wouldn't have still been there if you went now to look. They were only 2 shillings each.”
Martha held up her new dress, which she was determined to be her wedding dress. It was an evening dress of white and pink; the underskirt of white satin, kilted in front, and trimmed with lace, and a garland of pink roses. The overdress was of pink silk, with a low neck and short sleeves, with also an underskirt with lace and flowers.
“For Fanny we got this dress of blue silk made in the princess shape, low neck and short sleeves. Look at these plaitings on the skirt and it goes into a train in the back, with roses and lace scattered over it.”
“That's beautiful love. It might be too big for her.”
“I can fix it, Ma. You know I'm handy with my needle.”
“We chose this one for you Ma. It's a pity it's black, but it was the best dress for older ladies there.”
“Heaven's bless me. I would never fit into that. What were you thinking lass?”
“But look Ma, it's fastened with lace ups here in the back, and if you look underneath, the fabric is double, so we can open it up and add an extra five inches. It's worth a try, Ma. Look at how the skirt is draped down and then up and back, with ribbons and flowers.”
“We'll look a real treat love, if you can do your magic on them.”
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What fun the poorer family
What fun the poorer family are having finding and altering the dresses - I suppose they turn out to be the ones the rich girls donated, who will probably see them at the wedding change-over?! Rhiannon
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