Down Brissol Way
By jennifer
- 3547 reads
Down Brissol Way (28th June 2008, 4.34pm)
Where’s that to, Miss?
I’ve never bin outside a five mile radius of where I was borned;
I ain’t done nothing excitin’, ‘cept set Lewis on fire
with an aerosol and a laighterrr
and that were ‘cos I were bored.
Oh my daaaysss! I can’t beliave you talk so posh!
I never ‘new there were an ‘r’ in ‘barf’ and ‘grarss’ and ‘larf’;
you say it’s proper. I’m confuddled.
See, Shannon, she’s my best mate, raight, she has the best ideals,
laike sneakin’ out for fish n’ chips instead of eatin’ school meals.
We was down the park the other naight, havin’ a smoake and
giggles, and we reckon we seen you and Mr.Pike
In the pub across the road.
Is he your lovvverrrr, Miss? Does he rock yure boat?
Where’s that to, again?
F*****g Hell, me pen’s broke.
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shoot for the moon james
shoot for the moon!
james mcatear
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I love how you've captured
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I think there would be a
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