Broken Ability Part 1-5

By Jluskking
- 129 reads
“Alright, Ramos you’d better grab whatever can aid us and come along,” Elder Reffics said, already reaching behind the counter for a couple of ration packs, pocketing them in her robes.
“Hey, those are worth proper coin, mind!” Ramos said.
Rose cleared her throat, “Due respect, tradesmen, I believe we’ve paid.”
Ramos squinted, towards the floor, calculating. “Well, I suppose it can’t be helped. These are… trying times we live in after all.”
With a lusty sigh he walked behind a different counter and drew a key from his belt.
“Might as well give them out if it helps us survive,” he muttered. A cabinet door opened with a squeal of rusty hinges and Ramos began to set small vials glowing faintly blue on the countertop. There were five altogether, the blue sparkling off Rose’s eyes as she moved closer.
Elder Reffics hastily put two in her backpack then handed one to Rose and I.
“Ramos, take that last one, young ones, find somewhere safe for these to go. You shouldn’t use that today under any circumstance, hear? We’ll save these for when our lives are truly on the line.”
“Yes, mother,” Rose said.
“What… is it exactly?” I asked, gazing at its glow before tucking it away in my cloak.
“Ah!” Ramos squeaked, squinting at me. “If you haven’t seen, you’re in for a real treat!”
“Ramos,” Elder Reffics scowled. “Don’t listen to him, Letum. It’s basically liquid magicked energy, made from several herbs and the essence of the sea, blessed by a healing Medela and allowed to ferment for two years. It’s rare, and valuable, even poorly made.”
“But you didn’t tell him what it does!” Ramos exclaimed. “It nearly doubles the affinity of the consumers magic for a short time! It can make weak men strong! And strong men into gods!”
Elder Reffics placed a hand over my own, breaking my gaze at the last on the counter. “I know what you’re thinking, young one. But with this concentration, one may easily die without the proper energy control. Save it. For when it’s truly needed.”
“Essence of the sea? Yes, Elder,” I said quickly, hiding my thoughts.
“Alright,” Elder Reffics said, “Let’s move, but slowly. We’ll walk just inside the forest and single file to cover our tracks. Be ready for a fight.”
I walked behind Elder Reffics with Rose then Ramos following, our little group making it’s way off the road to the right hand side, just far enough into the trees we couldn’t be seen. The elder picked a quiet path through tangles of roots and wet leaves while we all kept a watchful eye.
Several miles on, a strange howling could be heard back in the direction of the trading post, answered by three more punctuating other areas of the forest.
“At least four more in the area then,” Ramos said, cursing.
“Let’s hope that’s all,” Elder Reffics said.
Suddenly a crunch came from up ahead, a heavy oak limb snapping like a twig.
“Get down!” Elder Reffics hissed, dropping into a low squat. I stuck myself to a near tree trunk and heard the others do the same.
“Good Mirtha…” I heard Rose stifle a gasp and couldn’t help risking a glance myself.
Not thirty yards away, almost hidden in the trees was a large spider, it’s body at least five or six feet across. I cursed myself silently for not listening more closely. The spiders great legs stretched out around it, feeling it’s way along carefully as it navigated the denser pine up ahead. The monster sought out trunks before placing its legs down, mimicking their angle. Then, the long legs stretched so that its body was covered by the low leaf canopy. Its movements were slow and deliberate.
“Now might be our chance,” Ramos whispered, “Genevieve, we need to take it down. It’s headed the same way we are, straight towards Hallan.”
Elder Reffics was silent, calculating.
“I’m not so certain the holly or scrub oak will hold up. That size is powerful. But… if we strike first, we may score a killing blow. Let’s close in carefully. Rose, be ready to generate your strongest spike when I say so, and everyone aim for the eyes. Letum, you take the lead. If it charges, aim right for it’s mouth and strike up through it.”
We silently obeyed, my heart thundering away again so that I felt I might burst.
We moved within 15 yards behind before it stopped moving suddenly, great mandibles twitching. From this distance, I could see the hair quivering across its strangely leathery body, a nightmare come to life in day.
It began to rotate slowly, legs moving on a strange pivot and placing themselves almost automatically. Rose and Ramos began to produce their attacks, Ramos a dense bolt of flame held between both his hands, Rose a great thin spike. Her hands quaked with effort to hold it steady, it’s brightness blinding.
“Good,” Reffics said, “Now, here we go…”
Elder Reffics produced her own large spike then another, much smaller. This she hurled toward the spider, striking its side as it turned. Immediately the spider spun, dropping its great body down. This knocked several of the young pines down, causing a strange cascade as it began to move towards us. The beasts’ movements became lightning fast as the spiders legs churned earth, it’s great mandibles snapping open and closed.
“The eyes!” Elder Reffics cried, losing her bolt.
Elder Reffics’s hit, just above the right eye, burying itself deep. The spider let out a strange gurgling noise and leapt forward, just as Rose missed but collided with the right leg. Ramos’s flame bolt buried into the spiders’ face, bursting and sending it into a blind rage.
“Again!” Elder Reffics cried.
As the spider came within five yards, several more bolts buried themselves in the spiders’ face, it’s great head jerking from side to side as it burned.
I stood ready, arms shaking as I spied the gaping mandibles, and just as the front two legs dipped to reach me, I thrust forward and up with all my strength. A strong barrier appeared, pushing against myself and the spider.
My blade hit something solid then broke through. There was a loud crunch of bone then hot blood ran down the blade and onto my hands. The sword buried itself to the hilt, but I was swept back from by the barrier. The great bulk of the spider went limp and fell forward, nearly crushing me if not for having been carried away.
The others continued to blast the spider as its legs churned, tearing earth and ripping down smaller trees. I was forced to roll away to dodge a leg, then another before Ramos leapt onto the spiders’ head, pouring flame down and through it for a final time.
“Is anyone hurt?” Elder Reffics called, the spiders legs giving a final twitch around us.
Rose stood from where she had crouched, firing several final bolts and bent, retching. Ramos came to pat me off with warm hands, looking me over for injury while Elder Reffics held Rose’s hair. I stumbled back a step, holding onto a tree and Ramos for support.
“What’s wrong, lad? Were you stung?” he asked, terror in his voice.
Elder Reffics was at my side instantly, “No, no,” I said, holding my head. “At least I don’t think so. I guess it’s just… been a big day.”
Elder Reffics faced me, grabbing both of my shoulders.
“I know it’s been hard, but you’ve done so well. Your father would be proud.” She embraced me holding my head with one hand, blue black spider blood staining onto her own cloak. I stiffened at first, then relaxed reminded of a safe feeling I hadn’t felt since my mother passed.
A moment later the spell was broken by a pat on the back, “Get your sword, now. We’re not safe yet.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I said, quickly bending to retrieve it as she tended to Rose.
“How much further to the village?” Rose asked, wiping her mouth with a hand.
“Not more than a mile,” Ramos said. “But I must say, never have I seen two so young with such skill. What are they feeding you in Hallan, eh?”
“Let’s continue,” Elder Reffics said, “The road will carry us more quickly as the sun wanes. I don’t want to risk being caught by darkness.”
The rest of our journey was uneventful and quick. The village was going about its afternoon business with no heed to the terrors beyond its border.
“What in the name of- Genivieve!” a shocked woman cried, rising from her washing on the porch of the first house. I looked down at myself, feeling she was justified in her surprise.
“Sarah,” she said, raising a hand, “please, help me gather the village in the square. We need to share news immediately.”
Sarah, a younger woman dressed in a plain dress stepped up to me, “Mirtha, child are you okay?” She thumbed away some of the spiders’ blood across my cheek.
“Sarah!” Elder Reffics snapped, “There’s no time to waste.”
Sarah’s plain features displayed shock. She looked from the elder to me and back again.
“Alright… okay,” she said, taking off at a run. Her ponytail bobbed vigorously as she disappeared into the house and out again with a small child in her arms.
“I’ll tell those left in the fields to come in first since they’re furthest,” Ramos said.
“You two go as well,” Elder Reffics said. “Tell them village square. Now.”
A short while later the entire village and those farmers just outside it’s bounds were gathered. The market stalls were moved so that the crowd of just over two hundred could fit comfortably. Voices murmured worriedly as the village chieftain climbed onto a large wooden dais with a podium for times of merriment or speechmaking.
His bushy grey beard twitched as his mouth moved, his frame swallowed by black robes. I took him in from where I stood near to Rose at the edge of the gathering as she searched the crowd for her mother.
“Silence, please!” called one of the village guardsman, a lightly armored young man. “Chief Hayfoot will now speak!”
The square became deathly quiet but the angst and worry of the village could be felt plainly in the air.
“Monsters afoot!” the chief cried, his long grey hair swept back into a curtain. The crowd fell silent as he spoke. He raised his arms, robes billowing about him. “But we will not panic! It has been three summers since they were needed, but let us raise a regular guard! We will have patrols around the village all night while residents of outlying homes are brought inwards. I ask you to be good neighbors in this time of need and open your doors so that we may defend ourselves better in case of attack!”
Affirming cries rang out from the crowd and several weapons were raised.
“The inn is open to all who need a safe bed! Free!” The barrel-chested innkeeper cried out above the crowd.
A great roar rose up with applause following as Chief Hayfoot awaited silence.
“Let’s have the volunteers for the guard report to Elder Amos in the southern corner of the square! Those who need housing, talk to Elder Reffics in the northern corner! If you have animals that may be attacked, we can keep them in the square only for tonight and be sure to bring rope to secure them! Go with a guardsmen to collect them after they are formed!”
With that, people scurried into motion, a surprising many moving to the southern part of the square. Rose and I stood together, fatigue setting my limbs in place. A few moments passed while I wandered whether to wait to collect the cows.
“Letum,” a firm voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
The village chief and his guardsman were standing in front of me, a slight smile shaping his beard.
“My boy, I heard you have done this village a great service today,” he said, “As have you Miss Reffics. I will not soon forget it either.” The chief gave us a slight bow, which I clumsily returned. “It would seem your parents have taught the pair of you quite well. Please, make sure to rest properly after such an ordeal.”
“Chief!” a cry came out from nearby and Hayfoot moved off.
I stood for another moment, gazing to the southern corner at the guard forming.
“What do we do now?” I wondered aloud.
Rose glanced at me, then down, “Don’t you have two cows? You’ll want to bring them into the square tonight.”
“Yes, you’re right,” I said. “I just wasn’t sure…”
Rose followed my gaze then rolled her eyes, “I’ll go with you.”
That night I lay under the stars, near to the cows. Fires burned low down every lane of the village as guardsman stood, ready to sound the alarm. I listened to the uneasy chatter and stink of animals kept too close, finding a snarl or hiss all the time.
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