Cats Called Charlie ( Part 4)
By jolono
- 1379 reads
Well its time to bring things up to date.
Eight years ago we went to our local pet shop and aquired Charles 5th. He was a tabby like all the Charlies before him. We both knew straight away that this was to be our new Charlie. He was perfect in everyway. There was a slight difference, this moggy had a bit of white on his belly, apart from that he was a typical Charlie.
If you have been reading the first 3 parts you will know that I am fond of cats that have proper character. What I like to call "Geezer Cats".
This Charlie wasn't quite what I wanted!
As he grew up we noticed that he had almost no voice. He didn't me-ow like most cats, he didn't purr like most cats. He wasn't mute, but very quiet. He didn't bring me presents either, Charles 3rd of course was the ultimate present giver, Magpies, Squirrels, Crows etc were all part of his resume, but this Charlie brought nothing.
I suppose he was just a normal cat!
But I didn't want a normal cat, I wanted a big, bruiser of a cat, a cat to be proud of, a cat that would make other cats sit up and take notice. But this wasn't Charles 5th.
I tried of course to make him a "Geezer Cat", I found a dead mouse in the garden one day and thought "this is it, I'll blood him!"
I taunted him with the dead mouse, even put it on a piece of string and dragged it past his nose. He wasn't having any of it, he ignored both me and the mouse.
"Perhaps he's gay" was what one of our neighbours said. GAY!, a fucking gay cat? No way, not our Charlie, not our Charles 5th.
Besides, what if he was, who cares, I just want him to be a proper cat, chase things, kill things, eat things!
This cat was too normal! He would sit on your lap, let you cuddle him, he never bit you when you fought with him. I have scars from all the previous Charlies and I thought that was par for the course!
Then one day it all changed.
Our next door neighbour bought a dog. A small fucking thing, jack russell with a bit of pug in it and a bit of yorkie thrown in for good measure. Charles 5th hated it, sorry thats an understatement, he REALLY hated it!
There was now an outside war going on in the garden. The dog was small, small enough to get under the fence. Big mistake. This mild mannered cat suddenly became a lion. He wanted to protect his ground. He nearly killed next doors dog, not once but at least 5 times in one week. The poor thing had lumps taken out of his ears and tail.
Charles 5th had finally arrived. I was the proudest man on earth.
To this day, they still have a mutual respect for each other. But our Charles 5th is the guvnor.
So, that the story up to date. We still have Charles 5th, he's eight now. The longest survivor of all the Charlies.
When he goes will we get another? Silly question really..........of course we will.
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from a cat lover myself i
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