By jrc
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Thales of Miletus: (638-548 B.C.)
Greek philosopher: Theory of matter based on water
Heraclitus: (c.540-475 B.C.)
Pythagoras: (581-497 B.C.)
Empedocles: (c.490-430 B.C.)
Socrates: (470-399 B.C.)
Democritus: (460-370 B.C.) - Atomic Theory
Leucippus: (c.450 B.C.)
Plato: (428-347 B.C.) - Nature of the Universe
Aristotle: (384-322 B.C.) - Scientific thinking
Epicurus: (c.342-270 B.C.)
Titus Lucretius Carus: (c.95-c.55 B.C.)
Jibir ibn-Hayyan, "Geber" (c.760-c.815)
Al-Razi - "Rhazes" - (c.850-c.925)
Ibn-Sina - Avicenna -(979-1037)
Johann Gutenberg: (c.1397-c.1468)
Nicholas Copernicus: (1473-1543)
Georg Bauer - "Agricola" (1497-1555)
Andreas Vesalius: (1514-1564)
William Gilbert: (1540-1603)
Andreas Libau - "Libavius" (c.1540-1616)
Francis Bacon: (1561-1626)- Direct observation
Galileo Galilei: (1564-1642)
Johann Baptista Van: (1579-1644)
Pierre Gassendi: (1592-1655)
Rene Descartes: (1596-1650)- Atomic Theory
Otto von Guericke: (1602-1689)
Johann Rudolf Glauber: (1604-1668)
Robert Boyle: (1627-1691-Defination of matter-Boyl's Law - (1662)
Hennig Brqand: (? - 1692)
Edme Mariotte: (1630-1684)
Johann Joachim Becher: (1635-1682)
*Issac Newton* (1642-1727)Theory of matter:Theory of Light:Optical Chemical Theory: Motion:Law of Gravitation
Note: See Einstein for explonation on Gravaton-G18
Thomas Savery: (c.1650-1715)
Georg Ernest Stahl: (1660-1734)
Hermann Boehaave: (1668-1738)
Stephn Hales: (1677-1761)
George Brandt: (1694-1768)
Charles Francois de Cisternay du Fay: (1698-1739)
Benjemin Franklin: (1706-1790)Electrical propert's
Positive and negative: Magnetisim.
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov: (1711-1765)
Axel Fredric Cronstedt: (1722-1765)
Joseph Black: (1728-1799)-Fundation for Thermo -
*Henry Cavendish* (1731-1810_, discovered hydrogen-(1766)
Torbern Olof Bergman: (1735-1784)
*James Watt* (1736-1819)
Louis Bernard Guyton de Morveau: (1737-1816)
*Antoine Laurent* "Lavoisier", (1743-1794) Stated the first version of the law of conservation of matter
Martin Heinrich Klaproth: (1743-1817)
Johann Gottlieb Gahn: (1745-1818)
*Alessandro Volta* (1745-1827) (V)
Peter Jacob Hjelm: (1746-1813_
Jacques Alexandre-Cesar Charles: (1746-1823)Charle's Law
Claude Louis Berthollet: (1748-1822)
*Daniel Rutherford* (1749-1819)
*Pierre Somon de Laplace* (1749-1827)
William Nicholson: (1753-1815)
Joseph Louis Proust: (1754-1826)
Antoine Francois de Fourcroy: (1755-1809)
Johan Gadolin: (1760-1852)
Smithson Tennant: (1761-1815)
Jeremias Benjamin Richter: (1762-1807)
Gottlieb Sigismund Kirchhoff: (1764-1833)
Joseph Nicephore Niepce: (1765-1833)
Charles Hatchett (c.1765-1847)
**John Dalton** (1766-1844) Atomic theory - (1805), Law's of Conservation of mass, Law of definite proportion, Law of multiple proportions and first table of atomic weights.
Anders Gustaf Ekebert: (1767-1813)
Anthony Carlisle: (1768-1840)
Thomas Young: (1773-1829)
Robert Brown: (1773-1858)
Jean Baptiste Biot: (1774-1862)
Etienne Louis Malus: (1775-1812)
**Amedeo Avogadro** (1776-1856)(V)=(g+t+p) - n m
Bernard Courtois: (1777-1838)
Louis Jacques Thenard: (1777-1857)
Humphry Davy: (1778-1829)
Joseph Louis: (1778-1850)
John Jakobs Berzelius: (1779-1848)
*Johann Wolfgang* (1780-1849)Relationship between el's and atomic weight
Pierre Louis Dulong: (1784-1838)
William Prout: (1785-1859)
Joseph von Fraunhofer: (1787-1826)
Augustin Jean Fesnel: (1788-1829)
Alexis Therese Petit: (1791-1820)
**Michael Faraday** (1791-1867) Electrolysis(1833)
Eihardt Mitscherlich: (1794-1863)
William Whewell: (1794-1866)
Nicolass Leonard Sadi Carnot: (1772-1832)
Note: Omitted to be Revised: (1800-1873)
**Thomas Graham** (1805-1869, studied diffusion, eg. Graham's Law.
*Robert Wilhelm Bunsen* 91811-1899) "Name speaks for its self! + Spectroscopy
**Julius Robert von Mayer** + James Joule, (1814-1878), Discovery of the universal law of conservation of energy. "or the first law of thermodynamics". Energy cannot be gestroyed, energy in other forms tends to be converted to heat-energy, and that a pure crystal at absolute zero would have a completely orderd arrangement of atoms. See: zero Entrophy, - "Rudolph Clausius"
Note: There are three other ways to express this law. Note:"compare this with Zero Ontology".
See also: The Law of degradation of energy.
**James Prescott Joule** (1818-1920), Joule's Law
**John Tyndall: (1820-1893), Tyndall effect
**Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz: (1821-1894) Conservation of energy, Bio-Chem?
**Rudolph Julius Emmanuel Clausius: (1822-1888), re
stated the second law of thermodynamics and coined the term 'Entropy'
**William Thompson** -(Lord Kelvin) (1824-1907) The
second law of thermodynamics. ((Recognized the existence of absolute zero)) Note: see zeroOntology
eg. the Kelvin.
Edward Frankland: (1825-1899)
Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz: (1829-1886), C-4 = isomers
*James Clerk Maxwell: (1831-1879), Field theory of electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic wave theory of light and viscosity of gases.
Peter Waage: (1833-1900) ?
**Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev** (1834-1907)Morden Periodic table.1869, 1871, 1875,1885. See alternitive models.
josiah Willard Gibbs:(1839-1903), theories of physical chemistry. eg. Phase rule of thermodynamics.
Lars Fredrick Nilsoon: (1840-1899)
Per Theodor Cleve: (1840-1905)
John William Strutt-(Lord Rayleigh) (1842-1919)
James Dewar: (1842-1923)
Ludwing Boltzmann: (1844-1906)
*Wilhelm Roentgen: (1845-1923), x-rays
Antoine-Henri Becquerel: (1852-1908), natural radioactivity.
William Ramsay: (1852-1916), (Ar,1894)(Kr,1898)(Xe,1898). Descovered He on Earth - (1895)
Joseeph John Thomson: (1856-1940), Atomic structure descoveted electron orbit of A's. See: The plum pudding or "raisin", model.
Pierre Curie-(and wife, Marie)-(1859-1906), descovered (Ra)and (Po), (1898)
Svante Augut: "Arrhenius" (1859-1927) modern theory of ionization of electrolytes.
**Ernest Rutherford**, "Baron Rutherford of Nelson"
(1871-1937), 1. radioactive isotopes,1899-1905, classified forms of radiation as Alpha, Beta, Gamma,researched transmutational effect of alpha particles on gases, - (ca. 1919).
Gilbert Newton: "Lewis", (1875-1946). Developed atomic theory. Proposed the Octet rule and the electron dot method of showing valence electrons.
Lise Meitner: (1878-1968), 'in conjunction with Otto Hahn', descoverd (Pa)-1917, olso colab'd with Hahn and Fritz Strassmann on Fission of (U.92)1938.
***Albert Einstein*** (1879-1955)
Brownian movement
Photoelectric effect,(1905) and foundation for quontum theory.
General theory of relativity, (1915)-introduced new description of gravity.
**Alexander Fleming: (1881-1955), Penicillin.
Johannes Hans Wilhelm Geiger: (1882-1945), See Rutherford. counter of alpha particles, (1908), eg,
the geiger counter, (1928).
****Max Born**** (1882-1970)- Quantum mechanics -(1954).
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