Duality Of Mind. Subject Out Line
By jrc
- 1110 reads
Quo Vadimus? "Where are we going?" Or In more colloquially terms, we might ask, "Where are you coming from?"
Throughout the history of mankind, the question of "Origin", has formed the deepest intellectual paradox of all speculative thought.
From a philosophical discourse, the question "What is the nature of life?", may well be as elusive as the Eternal question, "What is the nature of the Universe?".
We may say that intellectual Questions, such as -"What is the nature off - I?", has no more meaning than the idea that the summation of all substantial reality, is either unintelligible or "Can not be Known", to one's self?
Similarly, we may also argue that the question The origin of Consc-iousness, - (or vice versa), is as equally unintelligible in terms of the limitations placed upon our cognitive processes, and on what I have termed, "The limit of Conceptualized Reality"
Conceptualized Reality, in this sense, refers to the idea that all - human Perceptions, Thoughts, and Concepts, are merely the product of a three dimensional pardiagram, that "may not be known", out side of a three dimensional frame of references.
When we ask such questions as "What came before the Universe?", we are attempting to "know our self's", within the bounds of our own limited three dimensional experiences.
Such questions cause our logical processes to some-how stall, and more often than not, we are left with an ever increasing paradox.
The Duality of mind represents a collection of essays dealing with the concept of the limitations to a three dimensional conceptualization of the -human experience.
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