Toilet Ducks Stage Work Stoppage
By justyn_thyme
- 1857 reads
Dateline: Boggsville
"The situation stinks," declared Rhoda Routerre, spokesperson for the
Federated Union of Toilet Ducks International (FU-TODI).
Addressing a press conference this afternoon, Ms. Routerre declared
that "FU-TODI members are prepared to stick it out to the bitter end"
in their quest for improved working conditions and full recognition of
their union. "We have had it up to here with management's crap! It's
high time that our members partake of the full benefits of the effluent
Ms. Routerre declared that the work stoppage has the full support of
other major industry players, including Mr. Clean. "We are prepared to
back them up as far as it can go," declared Mr. Clean. "The tide is
high and we have all taken the plunge together. Our movement shall
overflow the bow and sink the opposition. We're gonna wipe them clean
Management was unavailable for comment as of press time.
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