Corona Log- Dec, 7,2020
By jxmartin
- 292 reads
Corona Log- Dec. 7, 2020
Heavy rains have come to us here in SW Florida. Many northeastern states have just been assaulted by a “snow bomb,” that dropped over a foot of the White stuff onto them.
Today is the 79th anniversary commemoration of the Japanese sneak-attack on the U.S. Pearl Harbor base, in Honolulu, Hawaii. The raid that, killed thousands of American servicemen and sunk several battle ships, precipitated America’s entry into W.W.II
The Corona virus continues to spread wildly. Most states are waiting with dread, the profusion of infectious cases that will result from the recent Thanksgiving Holiday. In the United States, viral infections are occuring at the 2000,000 cases per day level. Hospitals are severely over taxed. Nationally, we approach the 285,000 deaths level from complications due to Covid-19. Some 14 million Americans have been already infected. Yet, there is still resistance to wearing masks and other preventive measures.
The roll out for Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, in the next few weeks, will be a much-anticipated cavalry. Britain hopes to start vaccinating its population in the next two weeks. Russia claims to have the process well advanced, but no one believes anything they say now or ever.
As with most much awaited relief, comes the usual less than happy tidings. CDC communiques to the states advised them that they will be receiving much fewer doses than they expected in the initial roll out. California need 2.4 million doses, to take care all of its health care personnel. Their allotment is in the 500,000 doses range. The rest of the states find themselves in similar quandaries. I would guess this will work itself out as the supply chain lengthens. There are no real plans yet developed or announced, to distribute all of these many millions of vaccinations, other than vague mentions of using CVS and Walmart stores. The need for two successive doses of the vaccine, to be effective, only complicates the delivery system.
In Ohio, a forward-thinking Governor has asked the Ohio National Guard to send their medical corps in to state hospitals, to train with medical personnel on the how to of administering vaccinations. In that most of us innately trust the military to get things done efficiently and fairly, I hope other sates follow Ohio’s lead.
We are philosophical about the whole situation. Our turn for vaccination will come when it comes. We will take our place in line and receive it when our turn comes. Medical service providers and elderly nursing home patients have to come first. Everyone agrees on that. After them, will come critical service providers, senior citizens and a whole ranking of people, until the entire population is covered some time next summer. As least we are all in line waiting for a vaccine, instead of having none developed and still dreading the spread of the virus.
The financial markets sail smoothly along at the 30,000-point level for the Dow Jones average, seemingly unaware of the pandemic. There is a slight ripple in the UK finances, because of questions over the whole Brexit withdrawal process. No world-wide shortages are reported, except for toilet paper. The same off-color jokes follow seniors hiding massive quantities of the stuff in their basements, for purposes unknown.
Locally, we continue to wear our masks, practice social distancing and do what we can to avoid contagion. Covid-19 is seeping in quietly, all around us. There are not many public announcements of who has been infected, but the “whisper telegraph” operates in high gear. The most public infection is that of Presidential Attorney Rudi Giuliani, former Mayor of NYC.
As political back ground level, the coming race for two U.S. Senate positions, in the state of Georgia, begin to take possession of the airwaves. High-profile figures, in both parties, are showing up all over Georgia to support their candidates. Control of the U.S. Senate could be at stake.
The Presidential transition goes along, sometimes with bumps in the road. The New Administration is going to have a difficult birth, but it will arrive however much some try to delay its arrival. Immediately, they will be faced with the whole distribution of vaccines conundrum. There are also negotiations in progress, between House and Senate leaderships, for another 900-Billion-dollar relief bill. It will be designed to aid businesses, state governments for Corona costs and vaccinations and more help the unemployed. Like everything else lately, the contents of the bill are hotly contested.
The Christmas and New Year’s Holidays approach. Most people have their attention turned towards families and the celebrations and festivities to come. We all can but hope that the New Year will be a happier and healthier one for all of the world’s peoples. And as “Tiny Tim,” Dickens iconic character, in a “Christmas Story,” said “God Bless us every one.”
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